MES Livestream 42: Bob Greenyer Discusses EVOs, LENR, and the Hutchison Effect


Bob Greenyer from the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project joins the show to discuss his ground-breaking work on exotic vacuum objects (EVOs), Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR or "Cold Fusion), and the Hutchison Effect.

June 22, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

Bob Greenyer Links

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Stream Notes and Links

Bob Greenyer.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  2. July 6 Hollow Earth livestream by Methyl Miner:
  3. John Hutchison's health scare.
    • Bob was with Yin Gazda, at the Cosmic Summit?
  4. Cosmic Summit 2024:
  5. Hutchison playlist:
    • Results of spectroscopy experiment:
  • Interview with John Hutchison:
  • Meeting up with George Hathaway:
  • Hutchison Effect samples:
    • 2007 German paper says Transmutation occurred. Where is the paper?
    • Sample shows similar pattern to Sun spots:
  • Sword in the Stone sample testing (steel Knife in aluminum):
  • Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs) = electron clusters?:
  • Questions from Shane Hickle for Bob:
    • Ask him about the Chernobyl incident and an easy to understand summary or what happened I think evos had something to do with that. The blue light paramagnetic oxygen above the reactor the glow was noted but not fully mainstream explained.
    • Maybe pushing an evo too far and how that relates to dustification?
  • MES Free Energy playlist:
  • Talk with Andrew Johnson on UAP:
  • Talk with Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Hutchison Effect:

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