MES Livestream 35: Geoengineering Deep Dive


9/11 Revisionist joins the show again to go over the 9/11 coverup and the vast network that continues to this day to suppress the real truth of 9/11, which was first uncovered by Dr. Judy Wood.

May 4, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

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Stream Notes and Links


  1. MES Links:
  2. 9/11 Revisionist Livestream next Saturday May 11 on UFO media covering up 9/11.
  3. 9/11 Revisionist's third YouTube channel deleted... Here is his 4th:
  4. Where did the Towers Go book is live again:
  5. May 25 Saturday Morgan Reynolds Livestream
  6. 2/3 of $9.99 is $6.66 and not 30%:
  7. Meth / Math Lab bust:
  8. MES Worm Man movie woww
  9. MES Livestream via AI face swap as a Japanese woman??
  10. YouTube thinks I own the copyright to Conspiracy Theorista's Rockefeller video:
  • COVID silent protest on MES Truth.
  • Agenda 2030 Deep Dive??
  • We don't know how magnets, gyroscopes, or bicycles work LOL and
  • TikTok Odessa video has over 100k views!
  • You're SELFISH covid parody:
  • Mark Conlon recommending MES!
  • Great predictive programming 9/11 channel:
  • Rob Simone's website:
  • Otis T. Carr got mystery illness just before showcasing his flying saucer:
    • Otis T. Carr and Ralph Ring's OTC-X1 Flying Saucer + documents
    • Mind control??
  • Ball Lightning Footage:
  • Ron Muckle asks Alien Scientist about Ball Lightning and 9/11, but AS squirms...
  • Smart fit Battle of Jericho 1967:
  • Epic solar eclipse thread:
  • Andrew Johnson's book: Earth but not as we know it:
  • Rare footage of steel beams fuming:
  • WSJ article from October 5, 2001 about the steel "evaporating" and aluminum "plane" slicing cleanly through 1 inch thick steel box columns:
  • Missing bolts in the "plane" debris steel columns:
    • Aluminum is SO MUCH weaker than steel. A wooden drill bit can easily drill through aluminum but not steel (drill bit will get damaged when drilling steel).
  • Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Richard Gage gas lighting Building 7:
  • Disinfo agent Nix deleted the hit piece against me.... as expected... 9/11 Revisionist downloaded it before it got deleted:
  • 9/11 Alex Jones Caller was on the stream last week!
  • Big Disinfo X accounts pushing video fakery disinfo:
  • Dr. Judy Wood RFC Qui-Tam legal case deep dive??
  • They Live silent protest:
  • Scalar weapons becoming mainstream, and not necessarily "proton physics":
  • Disinfo agent adding strobe lights to plane. wow:
    • Photos showing right wing phasing out. And no wing hole after explosion. Photo shows missing left wing.
    • Pod under plane disinfo.
    • CTV911 aka 911Demolition aka Matt Nelson is a disinfo agent.
  • Trump June 14 WWW 666:
  • Tim Ventura met John Hutchison multiple times at his Vancouver home:
    • Transmutation at Hutchison Effect regions or trace elements moving towards that region.
    • Steel Knife in alluminum block was cut in half with a saw afterwards. Different melting points = jellification.
    • Grainy / sandy / non-smooth regions.
    • Effect usually starts at the end or middle of samples
    • John's legendary Hutchison Balcony. has a machine gun.
    • 3000 pounds of equipment vibrating at the end of the video.
    • See video description for links to photos of samples and spectroscopy results by Dr. George Hathaway:
  • ARA 9/11 archive photos:
  • Crowley book: Page 137:
  • Geoengineering San Fransciso:
  • Trump the Last President:
  • 9/11 explosion: jacket or person??
    • Arms are pushed forward and not backward.
  • Mark Conlon website update with lots of declassified files:
    • Team 7 / Team 8 = planes files.
    • 9/11 Planes Research on Substack:
    • ELTs can't be manually updated, only on impact. And all went off at different times than the impacts.
    • No ELTs, official document, no serial number so how to match parts to planes... Shanksville has serial number though. FOIA has no record of debris matching serial numbers:
  • ELTs that did go off were not from 9/11 "planes" and were too early.
  • Mike Byrd troll:
  • ELT documents:
  • 9/11 Flight Simulator:
  • AI Missile Swarms...
  • Dubai cloud seeding airport flood:
  • Cloud generator:
  • HARP
  • Earth's magnetometer data on 9/11:
  • WeatherWar101 proof of weather manipulation:
  • Weather man faking:
  • Record temperature swings for April 28th in Vancouver, Canada:
  • Texas Weather Modification:
  • Alleged Passengers on 9/11 deep dive:
  • Actual large planes vs 9/11 black silhouette:
  • New York City Eric Adams and Police Commissioner are Freemasons... Simpsons is right, freemasons run the country (and world).
  • Eric Laithwaite colleagues knew he was right about gyroscopes but were scared of losing their jobs.
  • Michael Jackson 9/10 concert.
  • Kai Simonsen is CEO of Millennium HD:
  • 2013 and earlier MH370 styled orbs / hoax / hologram claims:
  • 9/11 Planes Research substack for plane / passenger / pilots info.
  • Kevin Westley 2nd "plane" footage is bizarre: a Person said "United Airplane" crashed into it… woww disinfo agent. "on purpose"… "737".
    • Includes slow motion at the end. Plays it again with music and UN et al buildings. 100% disinfo agent. Zooming in on what appears to be paper but actually weird orbs.
    • He worked at Boeing?? YouTube wasn't around in 2001...
    • Check watch in video, and says THE second plane and not A second plane...
    • He said he accidently uploaded it private since 2001... YouTube didn't exist until 2005...
  • Scott Myers YouTube channel has many Gems. Worked for Boeing too.
  • World Order japanese band has 33 videos total since 2021...
  • Photos of the 2nd "plane" show similar wing phasing out and orbs:
  • and
    • Photos have higher exposure than videos per frame.
  • Holographic person in the sky in California??
  • Sound waves to create holograms with sound and touch.
  • Twin Towers should've used NagarJuna cement LOL 🤣
  • Fake news censorship goes back centuries:
  • 9/11 Revisionist waking peepz up:
  • 9/11/1968 Air France flight 1611 crashes. Theres speculation from the families that it was shot down by a missile if you read the Wikipedia:
  • 9/11 Predictive Programming archive article:
  • Prince 9/11 Osama 2001 prediction in 1998:

  • 11
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