MES Livestream 19: Flat Earth PsyOp, Giza Pyramid Geometry, 1109 Music Album, Trump, WW3 Incoming


Join me for a jam-packed show where I cover many topics from the Flat Earth psychological operation to the incoming WW3 physical operation...

January 13, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 11 PM CAT

1109 music album:

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Flat Earth PsyOp.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
    • Recommended Extensions
  2. Become a MES Super Fan:
  3. Test other AI.
  4. pi day hawking curry einstein
  5. Jan 6 MSNBC Host crying
  6. Energy Vampires
  7. Kaufman doubling down on Flat Earth nonsense
  8. Measure Earth's rotation by changing angle of Sun's shadow:
  9. AI meme generator:
  10. January 6 was Epiphany of Trump wowww
  11. Xdesmond has rare 9/11 footage (but mainly bad explanations).
    • Fresh Kills / WTC site prohibited pictures / videos from being taken:
  • Miami shadow aliens
  • MH370 Boyd Anderson far-fetched gold claims.
  • Trump fake assassination going to fake happen! woww
  • Pancake challenge + MES Birthday soon.
  • Steve De'Ak lying about 9/11
  • Richard Gage on Roger Stone show. Gage has been watching MES + 9/11 Revisionist Videos wowww
  • Lying Flat Earth Pastor wowww:
    • Antarctica has 360 degrees Sun.
  • Correction: Abraham Accords Trump Temple Coin is NOT image of Palestine flag but of UAE:
  • Photo of inside WTC Twin Tower after impact:
  • Jewish (Sect) Tunnels, soiled kids mattress?? baby chair?? MSM not mentioning them:
  • 9/11 Dust in 2002 wowww
  • BTC ETF / GTA 6 Trailer leaks.
  • Giza Pyramid geometry + Guy that says Earthquakes / Solar orbits follow sacred Geometry.
  • JTolan Media1 flat earth liar:
    • Debunk:
  • Peak Finder:
  • Alpine panoramas:
  • Can set refraction to 1 to mimic Flat Earth. Perceived heights debunk Flat Earth. JTolen footage matches Round Earth.
  • Panaroma Zoomed out
  • Panaroma Zoomed in
  • Globe is huge, so plane view is like looking at a tiny pebble on a basketball.
  • Fashion so Pre-911:
    • EPIC 9/11 1109 Music Edit:
    • "Also your occult stuff is really good, you should be interested by a book from 1818 named "mysterium baphometis revelatum" wich is a compilation from carved or engraved figures from 13th century."
  • Volkswagen Nazi Rotation Logo:
  • Google Bard not available in Canada:
  • Check flat earth eclipse "math" disinfo video:
  • Debunk this clown Flat Earth video:
  • Donnie Darko predictions:
  • Roger Stone follows MES on X! wowww
  • Round Earth denier says Mountain top is ABOVE the clouds hahaha:
    • Eric Dubay's (bogus) video:
  • At 2:07 Eric shows a timelapse with the Sun BELOW the top of the mountain:
  • Clouds are CLEARLY above the Mountain:
  • Earth's Shadow on clouds, aka Belt of Venus:
  • Taboo Conspiracy liar has bogus Earth's shadow model:
  • Actual Earth's shadow:
  • YouTube comment: The Earth's shadow does not appear as a moving edge, it's more of a gradient brightening over time. You will not get a good simulation using a non-area directional light. The sun is ca 0,5 degrees giving penumbras (soft shadows). If we presume equator and sun moving 15 degrees/hour the time span means a specific point will get lit up over 2 minutes. Also the sky will begin to brighten before sunrise according to earth curvature, for instance everything above 10 km will be in sunlight 18 minutes before.the sunrise 360 km away. So any low clouds will be indirectly lit from above adding to the brightness. For some illustrations do an image search for earth shadow from plane.
  • Taboo et al also have inverted Earth's shadow. literally liars. Mix in religion at the end, as a way to mock religion.
  • Bird shadow is irrelevant, and isn't spanning many km far.
  • Yemen WW3:
  • Eric Dubay is CIA:
  • Trump Rap Battle
  • Sagged Steel in WTC subway
  • Great Ice Ball Earth Theory LOL
  • Be nice in comments because YouTube autofilters mean words, and I manually block whomever I wish.
  • Weaponization of Space... aka ISS movie about war with USA Russia.
  • Epic 9/11 tiktok:
  • find video of Hutchison Theory.
  • Hutchison Effect livestream:
  • tweet:

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