Global Warming is a Pandemic and Humans are a Major Factor

Amidst all the fact in the world, one fact that we know now is that climate change is happening, and we are a major factor to why it is happening. Normally, when scientist want to show a certain word as fact, they can say words like earth is a planet which is for sure a fact or air is real which is no doubt a reality but we have gotten to the stage where we cannot also deny that climate change is a present saddening reality.

While this is now a fact, a lot of people are still debating if it truly exists when we should be accepting facts and finding solution but it is understandable as sometimes it is difficult to explain why climate change became a big deal or not wanting to believe because the entire climate change thingy is purported by scientist that have been paid by some lobbyist because of their motives but I guess the ship has sailed pass this point leaving the dock and we have no doubt that climate change is an issue.


To understand climate change, let's take it one step at a time. First, the sun is the major source of warmth on planet earth where land and water absorb the heat while ice and cloud reflects some away where some of the heat are sent to space while the rest are later absorbed by land and water again before being re-emitted as heat again with some held by earth's green house effect.

With human activities since the beginning of the industrial revolution a lot of green house effects have increased in concentration like carbon that has gone 40% since 1790 but with this increased temperature, solar activity has reduced. If the sun was the cause of the warming, then both the earth atmosphere and the air above would be the same but this time around, it is the lower layer of atmosphere and not the upper layer of the atmosphere that is hot and it is this place that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses exists.


More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means that the atmosphere in the globe is increasing. The earth is warming 10X faster than it was at the end of the ice age. Carbon dioxide comes from different sources including Fossil fuel from old plant. Old plants would prefer to use lighter isotope carbon-12 to the heavier isotope Carbon-13. When fossil fuel is burned Carbon-12 gets into the atmosphere in higher percentages, and unlike the past where it was believed that volcanic eruption was a major cause of CO2 but with research, it has been seen that it only accounts for about 1% of the Co2 in the atmosphere.


Since we have been practicing deforestation in recent years for our activities and civilization, CO2 in the atmosphere has increased. Similar to CO2, other greenhouse gasses have increased as well such as methane from cattle rearing, and Nitrous Oxide from fertilizers. Since 1900, the temperature of the world has increased by 4% and the past 30 years has been the warmest in about 8 centuries. Let's put it in mind that not every place on earth warms equally.

According to studies, heat has allowed water to expend in the earth since they absorb more than 90% of the heat, causing the rise of ocean at a tenth of an inch yearly and they have been up about 8 inches since 1901. We cannot deny the fact that human fingerprints are everywhere around climate change and global warming. With our current state of civilization, geopolitics, and quest for world power, I am not certain we can do much about these concerns now.



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