Are you selling your crypto bag for stablecoins?


Bitcoin historical all time high of 65k in 2021 seem far fetched from reoccurring any moment from now, the hype for bitcoin ETF approval are getting slime by the day, despite the push from pro crypto users although most crypto enthusiast are optimistic history will repeat itself were bitcoin will surpass 100k in value but it seemed as though the sky which was once the limit for this digital gold is now following a series of heart stopping drops and volatile price swings that left many investors reeling and clinging toward securing their crypto bags against what seem to be termed market manipulation and volatility from whales who had been part of the cryptocurrency revolution since its early days, they seemed to have found a new way to capitalize on market chaos taking advantage of newbies, known as late buyers, and strategically unloading their crypto holdings onto the market which always result to a swift plunge in prices, leaving newer investors grappling with losses, leaving the weak birds in doubt of holding their liquid crypto bags exposed to market manipulation or converting their holdings to more reliable stable source that resist uncertain market swings.

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This leaves us with the question? Are we in a rat race, where early birds mock the late holders? The scenario isn't entirely unfounded. While seasoned investors have had the luxury of accumulating crypto assets at early price, those who jumped onto the bandwagon later mostly find themselves caught in the crosshairs of market manipulation.

Stablecoins a safe haven against volatility

Holding onto your crypto bags could undoubtedly be considered a risky endeavor same goes the market can't be fun without risk as they go hand in hand, but as the saying goes, with great risk comes great reward. The cryptocurrency market is notorious for its unpredictable and often dramatic price pump and dump. During these surges, stablecoins hold their ground, providing investors with a sense of stability. As the market fervor escalates and prices soar, stablecoins act as a financial cushion, ensuring that investors are not swept away by the storm.

Stablecoins are used to combat wild price swings that have become synonymous with cryptocurrency, stablecoins which are cryptocurrencies pegged to a stable asset, often a fiat currency like the US dollar (USD) provides sanity in the market against volatility it becomes a stimulator to calm the stormy seas of crypto market volatility despite criticism behind their centralized nature they come quite handy for investors who seek to minimize and manage risk during market turbulence. As market volatility intensifies, many investors and traders are finding solace in holding stablecoins. The reason is simple when the value of traditional cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and other altcoins low in price, stablecoins remain relatively unaffected by such market downturn, offering a temporary respite from the tumultuous market conditions. This strategy serves as a hedge, a way to shield oneself from extreme losses while still remaining invested in the broader crypto landscape.

Going all in or out?

As an investors in this uncertain space we are faced with a choice to either navigate the crypto market armed with a stablecoin to mitigate high market fluctuations risk or to brave the storm and ride the waves with our chosen crypto bag that could potentially reward holders exponential in reward when price skyrocks there are no rewards without risk, which equally tells as well there are great risk in rewards hunting, as investors willing to make profits in short or long term investments calculated risk management need to be taken before any real investment decisions are taken, while holding stablecoin could be less rewarding and risk manageable we are left on the edge to decide what works best for our portfolio management in terms of making profit and loss.

Here is a question to ask ourself are we willing to prioritize stability over the potential for astronomical gains? Or will continue to dance on the edge, embracing the uncertainty that the crypto market brings?


When HIVE is on the rise, I transfer my post HBD earnings to savings.

When HIVE suffers a big dip I pull a chunk out of HBD and convert it to HIVE. If HIVE bounces back; I will congratulate myself for my clever financial move.

Of course, I do the conversions in chunks as I fear HIVE is likely to drop into the teens this year.



That's basically a recommended strategy one need to pull up every resource they can to beat market unpredictable trends.
