HEALTH: Prevention From Cough and Cold



Why do coughs and colds happen?
As the seasons transition and temperatures vary we often find ourselves susceptible, to coughs and colds lurking around every corner. These sudden temperature changes can have an impact. Even trigger the onset of flu. For instance if we use a heater in our room during days but then step out into the air outside we are more likely to experience symptoms such as coughs, colds and flu. This is because the rapid change in temperature creates conditions for infections to thrive. In some cases these infections may arise due, to hygiene practices or eating without hand cleanliness etc i hope you can understand what im saying. so now lets talk about how can we Prevent our self from this all things to make ourseld healthy.I hope you can understand what I'm trying to convey. Now lets discuss how we can protect ourselves and maintain health.


What steps can we take to avoid getting a cold or cough?

1. Practice Good Hygiene;

Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water after being, in public spaces or coming into contact with individuals who may be infected with viruses or other illnesses.



There are also pocket sanitizers in the market so you have options to choose from.

Keep your hands off of your mouth, nose, eyes, and face. These areas are entry points for viruses. Additionally if you have any wounds or cuts they can also be a way for infections to spread.

2. Strengthen Your Immune System;

Maintaining a diet is crucial as it provides nutrients for our bodies. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins in your diet for nutrition.

Stay hydrated by drinking an amount of water throughout the day. The general recommendation is around 8 glasses, per day; however this may vary depending on your level of activity and the weather conditions.



Make sure to incorporate exercise, into your routine as it can strengthen your system and alleviate stress. When you exercise it aids in digestion and muscle development. So when you consume protein foods, multivitamins and minerals while exercising these nutrients facilitate the creation of a body. However if you consume everything but sleep it can lead to issues rather than promoting a healthy body. Therefore exercise plays a role.

3. Think about Temperature:

Additionally, it's important to consider temperature changes. As mentioned earlier sudden shifts from hot to cold can have an impact. If you use heating or air conditioning systems avoid temperature adjustments.

4. Use Of Mask:

Lastly wearing masks is essential, for preventing air from entering through our mouth or nose. Masks act as a barrier. Help us monitor oxygen levels before they enter our bodies.




I love all the recommendations you listened above. Truly, if we can practice these things as you have said, I'm sure we would be free from certain obvious diseases. Thanks for sharing this with us


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