RE: Why the Covid-19 RT-PCR test is totally fake
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- The sequence you pointed is one primer, not what you are trying to detect. You have a pair of primers for PCR tests. Both need to bind to a specific region for the amplification to occur. So, in this case, even if indeed this sequence can be found on chromosome 8, the other primer (also listed in your picture) would prevent the amplification to start. In other words, if you were feeding only human DNA alone to this test, it would always stay negative, as no amplification would be possible. I kept it short, but you can find all the details in the link below.
- Confirming my original comment as it is completely incorrect. You don’t set the CT value to run the test, as it is a result of the test. Most assays run 40 cycles, and the CT is when what you are trying to detect becomes visible. It usually occurs way before the final cycle, which means you could run hundreds of cycles, and the CT would stay the same. So no, you cannot manipulate the CT value when running the test.
However, depending on the test assays, what is considered a positive CT can change because of different gene target or methods. It is calibrated against known samples, and part of the testing procedure for all assays. It doesn’t change once it is determined, and the test assays approved for laboratory use. So, again, it cannot be manipulated.
This lie started with a right wing channel (OAN or Newsmax, can’t remember) and was amplified by this crooked lawyer in Canada. And many months later, people who don’t check, still repeat it. - There are literally hundred of them, but this is I think a good one with a short version, and a detailed version:
So, if you want a lot of positive cases, you set the no. of amplification cycles to some high number like 40, which is way above the CT.
And if you want negative results, you set the no. of amplification cycles on the low side, like 28. Not too low, cos people will notice. Easy peasy manipulation right?
ok, now I'm curious - who exactly are you accusing of lying, and what exactly did they say that was a lie?
That chromosome 8 has a longer sequence? Doesn't seem like it to me.
Whatever the case may be, having a match, partial or full, to a human chromosome, still looks damn suspicious.
Sorry for the delay, I've been kind of lazy here.
No worries, I've been lazy myself.
Anyway, you've made youself quite clear, and there clearly is manipulation. You said yourself CT has a range of 25-35, it is not a fixed number.
Early 2021, CDC changed the PCR test cutoff cycles to 28 for vaccinated people, but not the unvaccinated, clearly displaying double standards and clearly indicating that cutoff cycles are also not fixed.
And see, this 28 bullshit is exactly what I’m talking about (I even mentioned “the infamous CT lower than 28”). The CDC did not change the cutoff cycle, or any other cycle. It was a complete misinterpretation of their document about breakthrough cases. They were looking for positive samples of persons reinfected after the vaccine, for genetic sequencing. But to focus on higher viral loads among the people already tested positive with normal testing procedure, they requested samples with CT below 28. None of the testing guidelines were changed. They never requested to change cutoff cycle, or any other cycle. Like you said, it was early this year, and so many months later, it still pops up from time to time, even though it was debunked over and over. That’s exactly what I was pointing at.
You also have to trust that the lab person, who may or may not be on big pharma's payroll, is running the correct number of cycles.
Incidently, cutoff cycle 35 and above gives useless and misleading results. Hey, that's what Fauci himself said. So, at 40 you're basically guaranteeing false positives.
As for Dr David Samadi, his viral tweet has apparently also has been deleted. So, it may have been a misinterpretation, who knows. Maybe the good doctor realized he made a mistake and took it down? If you still want to say he's lying, well that's just your opinion.
All I could find on Galati was that he has a lawsuit with the Canadian government over covid measures that go against their constitution. That's nice to know, but I don't know how that adds to this discussion.
Shouldn't a primer that partially matches human DNA be disqualified? There are other primers that are available, could have used those. Why put this one in the protocol?
The RT-PCR test is totally fake, based on this plus other factors as well.