What Will Become of the World in 2050?


Overreliance on technology could lead us to forget essential skills.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "In The Year 2050".

I will distribute 3% of the rewards obtained in this post, among the best comments, who will receive a tip when the rewards are collected.


"True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it."
<< Karl Popper >>

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Imagining what the world will be like in 2050 is the truth that worries me.

It will be because I always have a tendency to be very unoptimistic in relation to this and this is due to the current mentality of people today, especially the new generations who are used to consuming content of a few seconds and those types of videos that They give them quick bursts of dopamine and pleasure.

Taking into account that we live in this year 2024 in a society where people have a high tendency towards ease, to want to obtain rewards and profits quickly if not immediately and easily, I think that by the year 2050 everything points for me that we are going to have a society of people who are going to have forgotten how things are done.

Because new technologies are going to help us do tasks more easily, but this is also going to make people forget how the field was cultivated, how a seed was sown.

All the work that this implied is going to be done by a machine, by a robot or by artificial intelligence and in this sense we are going to be progressively eliminated little by little.


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It's not that artificial intelligence or robots will take away our jobs, but rather that we are going to let them do the work and we are going to forget how those kinds of things were done.

It will reach a point where we have not practiced that activity in so long that we forget or lose precisely a decrease in the skill of how to plant a plant, how to care for a plant, or perhaps how to wash a car.

Things as simple as that, because we are going to let machines and technologies take care of everything. That is a big concern that I have.

I believe that by the year 2050, technology will reach that point where people will not need to leave their homes to carry out any task, which will range from a bureaucratic procedure such as renewing their identity card, to Being able to immediately receive food in your refrigerator without even having to leave your home.

That would be good, but it would also be good if people during those years had that mentality of staying active, continuing to practice those skills of being able to plant, being able to drive, being able to build machines, being able to continue writing their publications and being able to continue, For example, sculptors making sculptures, painters painting their paintings and always keeping in mind that technologies make our lives easier, but that we should not always let them do all the work, but we should also worry about continuing to cultivate and practicing our skills and not losing that ability to socialize, to go out and explore the world, to adventure and not leave it up to technology to take care of this.


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May we not lose our essence of exploring, of our critical sense, of thinking freely, of investigating, which I believe is the essential part of being human.

I believe that regulations and standards are needed that allow and establish very clear rules that help, not oblige, but rather help people not isolate themselves in their homes but rather encourage a balance because also allowing this degree of isolation is going to lead to us having obese people who cannot move, or who have mobility problems and we are going to have an elderly population by the year 2050 who will not be able to take care of themselves because they have isolated themselves through technology.

We must take this into account, also thinking about the future and thinking that these new generations, these new young people that we have today, are capable of being able to help and assist these elderly people who in 2050 will be 80, 81 years like me and this seems quite worrying to me, because I am going to be one of those old people in the year 2050 and I don't know if there are going to be young people or adults of 30, 40 years old who are capable of taking care of the elderly, or governments that they will be able to take care of elderly people in need for when we are in those years.

So that is something that really concerns me and has me worried about what I turn on a light and turn on that spotlight because it is important then to take this into account for the year 2050.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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The text dividers were made by me using aseprite


Hi @manclar, I will tell you that in the year 2050 my world will be earth and worms, maybe it will be ash floating on the sea, or ash in a glass bottle. And I just hope that none of those youngsters of the future will interrupt my rest by practicing their sport skills or going for a walk. I hope they stay at home with their AI, and don't disturb me.



I will ensure that there is some AI that will bother you by 2050, I promise, one that is shaped like a tree and will chase your ashes, giving them psychotherapy with flamenco music.


The tendency of Machines and Robots to perform an activity in the future is high. But they can't be a better performer because errors in programming are uncertain. Technology engorgement in everything is bad, we need to make its minimal use in many aspects of life.


I am very terrified of what the world will be like for me in 2050, I will already be an old man and the chances of things going very badly for me are very high, but if governments do not take measures right now regarding the elderly... I hope that the world be better for you, future generations.


Hopefully we don't lose the ability to do things for ourselves, we have to put our memory to work so that we are not lazy and dependent on artificial intelligence. We have to be a productive person who knows and has something left for general culture. Greetings @manclar


esos cuasi 3 décadas que quedan creo que por las miles de teorías de la sobrepoblación, definitivamente es muy probable que no estemos en este plano. Que la tecnología avanza a pasos locos, sobre todo a nivel de la salud, que incluye dosis y antídotos, pero este tema es para colgarse a hablar por esos 26 años que faltan para llegar a ese universo paralelo de Manclar.


I think the most accurate vision of the future 25 years from now would be that of Wall-E: a lazy, dumb, fat and totally dependent on robots humanity 😂
