Where Breakthroughs Appear Imminent



The above image was made with stable diffusion using the prompt 'psychedelic medicine, baby gray alien, and digital technologies.'

My new conspiracy news search app is basically complete. The final step was to add a complete index of topics table to a modal, which was just like adding a modal to any other page except it was done in Pyscript like this:

@when('click', '#openModal')
def open_modal(event):
    modal = document.getElementById("myModal")
    modal.style.display = "block"

With this project finished, I'm moving on to figuring out how to integrate crypto into Pyscript pages, starting with EOS. But there's no hurry. I spent the last few weeks in a coding vortex and the whole time I was thinking about what to write about next. In the meantime, @amberjyang told me about Paul Hynek, who has surprisingly similar ideas to mine about where the biggest societal breakthroughs are happening.

For context, Paul Hynek is the son of famous UFO investigator J. Allen Hynek. The younger Hynek is a little more counterculture. He's been saying that UFOs, DMT, and bitcoin are the holy trinity of societal transformation. On the face of it, this sounds a little outrageous. Yet it's also generally in line with the ideas I laid out a while ago in this post.

Mind Blowing

Both Hynek and I seem to agree that UFO disclosure is one critical piece of the puzzle. But our opinions diverge slightly beyond this point. I see psychedelic medicine as the second piece of the puzzle, with DMT being just one part of that. And I consider emerging technologies in general to be the third piece, whereas Hynek seems focused on bitcoin. What all of these pieces have in common is disruptive potential.

Psychedelic Medicine

On the individual level, psychedelics break patterns of thinking and behavior. This has benefits and drawbacks. The downside is that appropriate patterns can be broken right along with more unhealthy patterns. The upside is that these medicines can disrupt unhealthy patterns that are deeply entrenched in a person's psychology. Pairing these medicines with integration therapy mitigates their risks.

Emerging Technologies

On the social level, there are patterns of behavior that have been programmed into us by the control regime which are structurally reinforced by our technological ecology. This ecology was designed in part to keep us atomized and obedient. It does this by distorting the truth in a variety of ways. One of the most important contributions emerging technology can make to positive societal transformation is tools that make it possible to establish new shared truths.

IPFS allows data to be stored in a way that technically can't be tampered with or censored. This creates static shared truths. Blockchain makes it possible for us to create shared truths over time. Using a combination of just these two technologies, we could create a viable alternative to the legacy economy. Once there's an alternative like this in place, it will become feasible to disconnect from the financial realities that currently prevent us from doing anything that challenges the status quo.

UFO Disclosure

On the level of society as a whole, UFO disclosure has immense disruptive potential. We know that the government is keeping information on the subject secret. So are black budget contractors. There are probably legitimate national security reasons for this. But it's 2024 and disclosing this information is clearly in the public interest.

Various technologies derived from recovered extraterrestrial crafts. Maybe alien biological material. There's strong evidence that these things and more are being kept under wraps. At minimum, energy and propulsion breakthroughs would likely come from disclosure. But the most important aspect of disclosure in my opinion would be its impact on consciousness.

Imagine the impact of everyone suddenly becoming aware that we're part of a galactic family and not merely apex predators who evolved by accident in an otherwise lifeless universe. Imagine the effect this would have on the relationships between nations. True, there might be some initial chaos as people adjusted to their new galactic context. But the new context could give rise to a new consciousness. And maybe to less nationalistic thinking and more planetary thinking.

Read Free Mind Gazette on Substack

Read my novels:

See my NFTs:

  • Small Gods of Time Travel is a 41 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt that goes with my book by the same name.
  • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
  • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.


Congratulations on the completion of your news app
I can’t wait for the real launching
