How to Search for Conspiracy News



The above image was made with stable diffusion using the prompt 'An astronaut high in the sky above a colorful network graph landscape.'

Yesterday I made a video about my new news search app. The 9 min video provides instructions for making the most of the search function at and explains how my app augments this functionality. Even though my project is pretty fringe, it provides tools for serious conspiracy researchers that aren't available anywhere else. Here's the video.

Search tools like this are important because all of the major search engines are rigged to prevent us from accessing information that challenges the official story. This rigging of search has rendered the overwhelming majority of the internet completely invisible. Corrupted search censors the web to a disturbing extent. Here's a video that demonstrates how Google and Bing keep people focused on control regime messaging by preventing them from seeing complete search results.

Social media is even worse than search in terms of preventing us from finding anything that might expand our horizons. Not only do social media algorithms prevent dissenting voices from being heard, they categorically suppress news as a matter of course. And if a perspective challenges the status quo, social media censors the perspective by isolating the people trying to share it.

The vast majority of people rely on a combination search and social media for all of their information. There used to be physical places where people gathered to talk about the world and current events, but those places have disappeared in most parts of the country. This leaves us in a strange circumstance. The information we depend on to make sense of our reality is systematically manipulated and our voices are silenced by the machines that mediate our communications.

As they said in The Matrix, welcome to the desert of the real. The situation is dystopian, but there are things we can do to improve it. We can find ways to give people access to subversive information. We can create spaces for uncensored communication. And we can get better at making sense of what Big Tech is really up to.

Right now, there is a digital cage around every one of us. Maybe we should break this cage. We're off to a great start with Hive, though making blockchain social media options more accessible to average people would sure help. In fact, any development of tools that make it possible for us to see the world beyond the cage moves us closer to a better digital future.

Read Free Mind Gazette on Substack

Read my novels:

See my NFTs:

  • Small Gods of Time Travel is a 41 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt that goes with my book by the same name.
  • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
  • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.


It’s really important to break the digital cage and I’m glad that you’re having an amazing work all through
Keep it up!


Thanks! Your support means a lot: )


Your search tool initiative is a wonderful one and I hope it suceeds massively. At least it can help users hear the news of what's happening from an unbiased source. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.


Hey thanks! It's been a fair amount of work but it seems worth it.


Your writing always helps me make better sense of the current media landscape we swim in. That video on how Google and Bing prevents us from seeing complete search results looks intriguing and important for me to check out.

And the video you did about your news search app is humble and informative :) Thanks again for all the time you spent on this.


Yes the search manipulation is real and not too many people are yet talking about its specifics.

Glad you liked my video: )
