Zero individualism freedom and technology are the spearheads of cryptocurrencies

Analyzing the positive impact that cryptocurrencies have had on the planet, and its relevance and importance over the deteriorated conventional system is something easy to quantify, however, despite the positive elements, the cryptocurrency market continues to be the object of attacks by traditional structures.

However, beyond the attacks by traditional economic and financial structures, cryptocurrencies by depriving individualism, strengthening freedom and technology have been positioning themselves in a dizzying way in the ideas of investors.

Hence, the vertiginous positioning of cryptocurrencies allows us to theorize about the uncertain future of traditional finance, based on how the large banks have been joining the revolution that in recent years has been promoting blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, specifically Bitcoin.

For Gustavo Godoy “Bitcoin was born with the aim of facilitating the payment of anything without the intervention of banks, governments or companies. Thus, commissions, restrictions and risks of trusting third parties are avoided. The first to use Bitcoin were people who believed in freedom, privacy, and decentralization.”

Godoy indicates that “Bitcoin is like a party: at first only friends go, but then the word spreads and surprise guests arrive. Some come out of curiosity, some for fun, and some for business. This is what happened with Bitcoin: what started as a project for a few idealists, became a magnet for all kinds of people. Investors, traders, speculators, they all wanted a piece of the pie.”

He also commented that “Ideology is still important to many Bitcoin users, who see in it a way to change the world and break free from the system. But there are also others who only see in Bitcoin an opportunity to earn money”.


Cointelegraph. The future of finance: big banks join the cryptocurrency revolution. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image: Reuters
