My Power Banks Chronicle!


The epileptic power supply in my region can make one decide not to use the services of these electric distribution companies again. Whether you use power or not, once your wire is still hanging and connected to the transformer, you must pay electric bill at the end of each month except you are using pre-paid meter which isn't so easy to come by.

Late last year, the issue got so worse than we would stay up to two weeks straight without power supply, not even flashing, lol. The power distribution company had a case with their supply company so everywhere was in total blackout. Powering my gadgets at a charging center was taken some cash off me and equally a bit risky. So I had to find alternative means of getting my phone powered without taking it to the charging center and that's how I decided to buy a power bank. Before then I had asked around to know the best quality product to buy. I got feedbacks to go for either Oraimo or New Age products. Both were widely used but I thought of getting something unique, and of a good quality different from what every other person uses. I don't like following the crowd, lol.

So on the said day, I went to the GSM market located at St Michael's road, Aba. Luckily I had a church brother who deals on phones, accessories and other gadgets so I called him that I was coming over to his shop. Got there and told him what I wanted. He suggested 1st Eagle product and equally told me that he's their major distributor.

Fortunately the company's sales rep was there so she was able to pitch the various brands of power banks to me and I was really bought over. I searched the company's site and was impressed with the reviews I saw there so I chose one of the brands - Omni fast, 20,000 MAh, portable, single charging point with screen charging indicator, and no torch.

Testing the power bank.

I loved everything about it and the price was fair too so I paid and happily went home.

Happy customer

I even got a wrist band, lol.

I even sampled some of the products, lol.

As advised, I put it on charge till it was fully charged, and showed 100% on the indicator. I then started using it and truly it was omni fast. I was happy that I can finally stop taking my phone to charging centers. Two weeks after, I noticed a fault with the power bank. It was at 70% when I went to bed on one of the nights. Getting to the morning, I plugged my phone to charge but got the shocker of my life. The percentage indicator showed 0% and wasn't charging. How come? I was confused as to why it dropped so drastically since I didn't use it in the night. I got to the office and luckily there was power so I plugged it and it jumped back to 70%. When I saw it, I knew that something was wrong so I called the vendor to inform him of what happened. He told me to watch it and if it happens again, I should return it.

Another one week, same thing happened and I jejely packaged it straight to him. He collected it, saying that it was a factory fault and that his own did same thing. He wanted to give me same another type of same company but I rejected it, once beaten, twice shy*, lol. He later gave me a Tecno brand, same capacity with two charging points, and no torch too.

Although Tecno as a name doesn't appeal to me, but I just had to take it instead of the other ones.
To avoid stories that touches the heat, I gave it to them for changing and went back to pick it after close of work. It was remaining just a bar to get fully charged so the next day I still plugged it at the office till it was fully charged and ready to be of use. I tell you, it worked perfectly and I was happy. But did the happiness last for long? Continue reading to find out, hehehe.

January this year, a bigger challenge came up. The power bank stopped charging completely, if plugged to power, it will show charging but won't add any bar to it, that was unusual. On a closer look, I noticed that the other side of it was swollen and broken at the middle. Ha! what again is this one? How come the swell up? Questions upon questions.

I went back again to the vendor, showed the power bank to him. Upon seeing it, he asked if it fell on the ground because to him, that was the only way it could have broken. I replied no, that all through the times I used it, it never did fall neither did I give it out to anyone else to use. I was very careful with it because I know how delicate such gadgets can be.
So the option of it falling was ruled off, even if it did fall, the breaking wouldn't have been at the middle, neither will it swell up or even stop charging. So from all indications, the batteries might have expired leading to the swell up so it required a change or repair and that will be done by Carlcare service center. So what they needed to do was take it to them but he said that he can't take because they won't accept it since it involved physical damage.
But he suggested I go by myself to see if they can accept it.

Off I went, luckily their office was at the other side of the road. Got there, and sat down in wait for my turn. When it was my turn, I showed the power bank to the customer care lady, explaining what happened. When I was done, she excused herself and went inside the office. after some minutes came back, and told me that it was battery swell up and that's confirming my thought. She took my details and asked me to expect a call in three weeks time to pick it up.
I heaved a sigh of relief because I was wondering what I would have done if they didn't accept it.

I waited for three weeks, no calls. Till a month, same thing so I became worried. What happened if they actually rejected it or hasn't been able to repair it? Ah, it better not be. I couldn't wait anymore so I had to go back there to know what was amiss. Got there, submitted the form I was given and in less than ten minutes, this new baby was handed over to me.

I was so overjoyed that I wouldn't have to spend extra money in buying another one if they had rejected it.
Although it wasn't same type with the damaged one, it was better than nothing. Now I'm even extra careful with its usage, infact I'm treating it like an egg because I don't want stories that touch the heart, lol.

Back to the light matter, the distribution company has improved a bit in light distribution, at least we can boast of having light three to five days in a week but sometimes, their head dey knock.

Thank you for reading....

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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Which area do you stay in, to have such terrible power supplies? Congratulations on your PB , I can't count how many times my own power bank has saved me.


Aba, Enyimba City.
It has improved now.

Thank you, power banks are always a great help.


This is naija were light is never contact 😂😂😂

You really tried in your follow up of this power bank issue. If it was me, I would have given up after the second one and blamed my village people for the mishap 🤣🤣🤣


Ha!, I can't let my money go to waste oo. I must fight to finish, 🤣🤣


That was quite an experience and you have such a strong determination. If it were me, I'd just drop the matter right away🤣


Not me oo, the power bank was still under warranty so I must redeem it. 😅


Issues with electricity are definitely challenging and sadly don’t need to happen in the day we live in. Resources are so abundant it’s quite sad to see that places have these issues.

Glad you are using your power bank successfully! We have some in our house as well that we use when we go out, it’s helpful!


We can only hope that the power issue be improved on.


That was one tough of a ride, and you were so determined to see it to the end.
I hope that your new power bank will serve you well.

The government should make it a mandatory for the power distributors to give everyone a prepaid meter, that way people don't have to pay for what they do not use.



Mehn, I'm envious of your strength, moving about reporting their poor power bank to them.

Recently, I've been considering on going for a neutral power bank but once I think of the many what it's, my brain will just sit back.

Itel Power bank is good. I have two, 20000mah and 30000mah.


Whew! What a palava! Glad you were able to walk away finally with a working power bank. I thought for a moment that you had been scammed! Well done for being so persistent!

