The strange phenomenon of the pack of blue dogs in Russia: Are they the product of radiation?



Photo: RIA Nóvosti

On the outskirts of Dzerzhinsk, a Russian city located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, about 370 kilometers east of Moscow, a pack of dogs whose fur was blue were sighted. It is worth mentioning that in this area of ​​the country, there is an abandoned factory that specialized in the production of acrylic glass and hydrocyanic acid, so the question is whether this is related to the dogs that could also have belonged to said factory to monitor their surroundings, and which were later left to their own devices after closing the place definitively.

Once the alarm was raised, the authorities asked the factory managers to locate all the dogs in order to subsequently carry out an examination. With this test, its true state can be evaluated, since animal protection activists showed their concern because they considered that their health was at risk, due to the components that were attached to their fur. Hydrocyanic acid takes its name from the cyan blue pigment derived from the ancient Greek word blue and is identified as poisonous, since among its uses is as dyes and solvents, explosives, and plastics production.

Photos of these canines have gone viral after they were first posted on the Russian site, according to The Moscow Times.


Source: Twitter

Former bankruptcy manager at the chemical plant, Andrey Mislivets, told the state news agency RIA Novosti that the factory buildings also store copper sulfate, a chemical known for its bright blue color. He also said that many stray dogs roam the territory, possibly finding the remains of some old chemicals and rolling in them causing their pet to pigment that color. On the other hand Kelly O'Meara, vice president of companion animals of Humane Society International, stated the following: “The tint of their skin implies that they have had direct contact including ingestion of potentially toxic or harmful substances, so this could result in a painful burning or itching on the skin or even internal bleeding and diseases that could lead to death, "he concluded.

Finally, a total of 7 of these dogs were found in the area, although there could be more. The canines were taken to a shelter by veterinarians to be able to carry out various studies and thus check their condition. Fortunately, for now they have ruled out damage beyond the change in their coat color. Therefore the health of the dogs is not in danger, so much so that two of them have already been given up for adoption; while the rest are still waiting to meet the same fate.

So far this post, thank you very much for reading. Content researched and written by me, the images used are cited to their respective source.

Posted with STEMGeeks


This is amazing. Just when you think you've seen it all.... lol If you find out more about if this is now a permanent trait or not, I'd be interested to hear. I love this "channel". I swear, I learn far more about the world here than I ever have watching the "news". Thanks for putting together a great post!
