Earth: A small grain of sand on the beach...It's not possible that there is only intelligent life here.


Despite its 12,742 km in diameter, planet Earth is tiny amidst the vastness of the galaxy. If we compare with the planet Jupiter we are approximately 11 times smaller, and Jupiter compared to the sun is 10 times smaller. The solar system is immense, but in the middle of the Milky Way it is just a point. There are thousands of other systems, with planets, stars, stars that emit light equal to our sun. There are thousands of Earth-like planets in this vast universe, of which we are only aware of at most 4% of the observable universe.


If there are possibilities of having several planets that have an atmosphere that resembles the Earth's, why can't we imagine or even think about the possibility of these planets harboring intelligent lives, perhaps thousands, millions of years ago, that have super advanced technologies ,and if we stop to think, we may reflect that the alien spacecraft that are being sighted all over the world watching us may be space race projects that the inhabitants of these planets have successfully carried out over the thousands of years since the beginnings of humanity, this is because the civilization of these planets are much older than ours, that is, they have already reached the height of technology, while we are just beginning to crawl in this field.


While humanity knows very little about the universe, these extraterrestrial beings may have deep knowledge about the galaxy, just as we can't use even 10% of our brain, these beings may have evolved and managed to use the maximum brain capacity they have, achieving thus reaching the apogee of wisdom, understanding and thus discovering paths, shortened time and space, perhaps unraveling the "wormholes" or portals to other interstellar dimensions, making trips in a short time to other planets.


The search for life on other planets continues, as well as the search for other "earths" in this vast universe, but what we must not forget is that it all takes hundreds, if not thousands of years to achieve some success, which may not happen because when our time here on earth is on the line, what do you mean? -If there is a third war, this one could annihilate humanity, the amount of existing nuclear bombs would devastate the Earth's atmosphere in a short time.

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