RE: Danger in Vice

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To drink but not suffer the consequences of drinking. It's right up there with eating without getting fat...

Well said @honeydue!
Yet people still will believe that there's a pill for every ill, and the big pharma/ corporates rake in the profits!

The phrase for every action there's a reaction is so true! Abuse your body and suffer the consequences, no pill can reverse that!

For me being in control is a matter of dignity. Nothing wrong with having a drink within limits, and if you overstep the line, well, then suffer the consequences.

But, when people need to consume alcohol to enjoy themselves and have fun,they have a big problem.

Blindly believing what the manufacturers claim, is simply foolish.

Happy New Year to you, my special young friend!
Remember those 'letters' we were prompted to write in @ericvancewalton's 'time travel 101' to our 20 year old self and then our 80 year old self?

You wrote one to your 50 year old self in true @honeydue style!

I just read my 80 year old letter and sadly my one wish did not come true as I now find myself with no Arthur beside me. However, I cannot believe that big number will be my next goalpost, but I will do my utmost to make the most of each day of the years ahead!


For me being in control is a matter of dignity. Nothing wrong with having a drink within limits, and if you overstep the line, well, then suffer the consequences.

I was taught the same. It's very rare to go out of control, and always in trusted company. Perhaps it's outdated, but I was taught it's not ladylike for a woman to get out of her head drunk while out with people, and somehow, it's stuck.

I remember those! Eric always comes up with wonderful ideas. I truly am sorry about your wish, my dear. But I know the years to come will bring joys untold, if different to the ones anticipated. It's not always the case, only for those who know where to look for them :)
