Wiz Drip 49. Know Who and What is Controlling Your Point of Attention

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 49 - Simulation

Simulation. You resemble mother and father, our children and siblings, and all our favorite beings. Your illusionary nature is brilliant despite significant glitches in the holographic reality and this magnificent game where you and I are no strangers.

Some have labeled you the Matrix while you smile and continue to run the program, carefully encoded by the Creator. In your labyrinth, you enjoy watching the holograms swim, disregarding the observer and ignoring its effects on your multi-dimensional twin.

How can we boost our senses to manifest more quickly while we stay plugged in?

Raise your vibration. Be present. Observe what’s happening without and within. This will help you navigate and depict errors easily.

Your brain is an antenna, so use it accordingly. Let your spinal fluid help you tune into the right frequency. Amplify your extension to expand and act like a magnet while you access valuable information from another dimension.

Know who and what is controlling your point of attention, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

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