Witness Back Online and Making Blocks + Price Updater Back in Action + Project Planning till the New year.
After waking up from a nice depression sleep I realized that my new witness server was finally caught up to the current block height of HIVE, so I've re-enabled it after struggling to get the thing to turn back on through the peakd.com built in method./. Ended up signing it on with the HIVE cli wallet on the witness box.
My rank has fallen considerably in the past months and the damage from working with royal reptile has put me behind atleast $35,000 (Way more if you count R&D and function planning) and basically fucked the psyber IP.. which turns out to be asset flipped.. so rather than inheriting and containing with that bullshit going to make a new IP.. Not going to dwell on it. I was too niave to see that I was being taken for a fool / a ride.
Currently cleaning my office and desk up. My goal is to have Hive.loans (which takes over a week to test at this point, pain in the ass), Hive-Roller (will get it running again here and get the investors a bonus for holding in the bankroll) and a few other projects going by year end.
The psyber decks engine is going to be redeployed as a new Intellectual property. I will scan the chain to see who had / has psyber based assets and airdrop the new game packs / cards / currency in order to attempt to make everyone whole. I got fucked over and so did the folks who were backing that psyber shitshow,.. but now rather than continuing with that tainted intellectual property a wholly new theme shall be made.
As far as Hive Smart Chain / a proper HIVE based EVM system to allow for actual solidity smart contracts I've almost got the EVM engine modified to do what I want it to do. All witness earnings are going to be nullified (including my own) so those in top 20 can't take over the chain right off the bat, this includes scanning the entire HIVE/STEEM history but makes it more fair. a bonded amount of 500 HIVE will be required to run a HSC node, which will be receiving nearly all the fees (I take 10% of the fees for each block as HSC hive) for the block they create.. However if HSC nodes turn into bad actors the bonded HIVE will be penalized.. this way people doing malicious shit as HSC nodes will have a deterrence.. Given the byzantine fault methodology used it should be quite secure, and in the off chance someone tries to 51% attack I will have defenses / tools to disable malicious nodes once they are identified.
Ultimately solidity smart contracts engine for HIVE is going to be almost as useful as the hive.loans model, which will end up being recoded as a solidity smart contract in order to support both the HIVE chain proper but also the side chain.
Refocusing on HIVE development here.. It's time to finish these projects I've backburnered for way too long. Hoping this increases my support and witness votes so my witness server atleast breaks even.. currently it is not, but I'll continue to run it anyways as it's tradition since before HIVE existed. Every Witness vote helps. Currently rank #80 and I need to be like rank 60 to break even. If you have a spare witness vote please consider tossing it my way. Thank you in advance.

I also have a super secret fun project in the project development queue that will be fun as hell! I'll leak the name below, whoever guesses right what the project will be will get moderation capabilities on the game
(provided they don't abuse them)

Every Single Vote Helps, Thanks for the Support!
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Glad the witness is back online :)
I'm biased but https://hive.ausbit.dev/witness has worked solidly for me whenever I need to change keys or settings.
Also, HiveRoyale looks neat. Top-down battle royale shooter ? I actual like the aesthetic as-is tbh but if you ever want help with texture assets hit me up or have a play with arty sometime
I was leaning towards making it 16-bit or isometric honestly.
My original idea was a diep.kio style battle game where winner takes the pot... but then realized a fortnite style game would likely have a broader reach then jsut some circle ships with barrels coming out of them.. WOrking on the accounts and banking shit at the moment.. Hope is to have her online with a few different servers and matches going for an entry fee which is then given to the winner or winning team.
All the score keeping and whatnot would be hive custom_json'd as well as DB'd.. taht way we can historicalyl loko back and see who fragged who and what was won.
It's a fun distraction from the serious last leg testing on the other stuff.. HL tsting cycle is a month and a week at this point and it sucks but I need to bare down and do it... its behind.. working on that psyber clusterfuck burnt a year and put me homeless basically.. gotta get shit moving again.
Hi Klye, drop your inflation from 69% 😊 down to 15% or below and i'll support your witness.
<3 done and done.
(well, 15.69% to be cheeky, figured I was so low it didn't matter what I entered)
Thank you for the support captain. Have a gooder.
Can accept that :D Hope all is well out in Manitoba
Getting wintery out this way. No snow yet but could be any day now. Grass is starting to yellow. 95% of trees are leaf dropped.
Hope all is well on your end!