What in the Actual FUCK is Minot AFB in North Dakota doing with Phased Array Beamforming?! Interesting Doppler Find


Last night I'd been locked in on code shit but had youtube in the background for noise and ADS-B exchange open for brief visual breaks to see where the planes are flying locally.... and I just so happened to see some absolutely fucking phenomenal evidence of the US Military & USAF using incredibly powerful phased array systems (speculation) to either scan, disrupt or energize passive latent sensors in machines (and people since DARPA was involved with the covid "vaccines") or lord knows what else.

Below is a .gif of the video screencap I managed to get of Minto AFB Radar or DEW

I've seen plenty of doppler tests come up on these radar images over the years and while they often make strange radiant patterns in a full 360 around the antenna point, this event last night wass far more different.

Note the very distinct beams, the intensity increase, the back lobe being visible but far weaker than the intended beamform transmit cone and the secondary targets that end up having RF/EMF thrown at them for some reason near the end of the gif..

( sorry for shit quality... but this is a clear example of the multiple beams I was talking about )

Now I'm not entirely sure if this type of shit is common to pick up on doppkler.. but in all my years of watching the weather and the sky I've never seen such an incredibly focused beam.. Even if thee back lobe on that phased array is hundreds of miles long, the power it can oproduce on it's primary transmit lobe looks terrifying.

After looking on google earth and realizing that the back lobe of the RF beamforming started basically right above Minot AFB (These guys have like 150 Nukes and B2's and other nuclear capable shit) with not only the intensity of the beam being formed changing but also some deviation from the original vector or bearing and the gif video shows clear evidence of not only 1 but multiple beams being formed towards what I believe is the aircraft within the North Dakota Airspace (or close to it) or something else entirely being targeted.

Initially I thought I might be over reacting.. but then I started looking up he RF antenna simulation and lobe gain physics and sure as fucking shit this signal matches what a highly sensitive phased array system would output... They can not only steer their radio frequencies.. they can split up their scans like a fighter jet and track / target multiple vehicles..

Fucking terrifying. I wonder how many watts or volts per meter they can transmit at and if that peak power of their system is strong enough to cause serious issues with a planes operating systems and electronics..

( an example of phased array lobe distribution clearly showing a predominant back lobe in comparison to the side lobes..
the scale and power emission are a very close match to what was seen above on doppler it looks like.. )

Sadly I don't have any radio receivers or SDRs that are capable of operating on the x-band or whatever the hell that radar beam is operating at to get a sample of it's signal.. When I get my shit together and can afford a proper GHz/Thz RF meter I'll continue my investigation into Minto AFB shooting RF at civvie planes and lord knows what else.

Anyone ever seen shit like this? Share your story below if you wish!


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0.187 STEM


There are over 100 silos and a few hundred air launched (which I worked on late 90s) in and around MAFB. I would bet that with the vast advancements in tech happening they are working powerful detection scanners for inbounds, plus those beams were aimed over pretty much vacant regions. I'd be curious what altitude they were at or if it was ground based.

0.003 STEM

ground base 100%.. Right in the minot silo fields. I've seen a B2 IRL on the tarmac down in North dakota as a kid.. I think it's likme 125 nukes... it's basically a nuke sponge..


In all honesty mI have no idea how those beams were... but if doppler picked them up it must have been some sort of "4 GHz to 8 GHz in the C-band and from 8 GHz to 12 GHz in the X-band" type shit...

I know the US military has some serious X-band shit as well as millimeter waves.

0.024 STEM

They are in pods of ten and 3 sections of 5 pods. My wife grew up a few miles from a couple of them. There have always been sightings of weird shit near and around the field since they were installed. Also to the northeast is Concrete ND and Cavalier AFS with the insane detector.

Thank DARPA and everyone willing to develop for them. They seem to be the prime driver of future tech and the pipeline to the military.

I will say that I have all the seasons of What On Earth and they have had numerous doppler anomalies they have gone over and I really want to say there was one very similar to this. I will have to go back through and see if I can find it.

0.003 STEM

The weirdest part is that I generally don't even look at the doppler data and just focus on the planes ADS-B signals.. Catching it was either fluke or something beyond my control. XD

0.024 STEM

I love you got the screencap of it. I'm quite curious myself and will do a bit of digging over the next days. I've seen this shit before on doppler but never really keyed into it. I just thought it was radar aberrations, I watch the doppler regularly and ads-b pretty often.

0.003 STEM

As a guy who is into weird shit and often monitors multiple different frequencies and whatnot this is the sort of phenomenon I live for. I'm just glad I managed to figure out how to show folks the same animation I saw... Took me a while to realize about the back lobe and whatnot.. it was throwing off my origin point of minot AFB as it looked for a moment it had come from far lower in ND.

Weird shit. Gonna try and do some digging myself to see if it's a normal thing or if I caught something weird accidently.

0.000 STEM

Earth is flat, try to find the curve, they are still looking for it, no where to be found.

Donate 888 LASSECASH to your brainwashed ass, brainwashed by the devil. God, Jesus and Truth is on my side, LasseCash is like light, I just send you 888 light beams as a gift from god and me :)


lol wtf did you do to get -12 on your account and get hidden? lmao

Earth is flat only if you're living in the land of more than 2 genders and are so distrustful of absolutely everything that comes from academia and science... Which is fair.. I have little trust in academia or science either... But alas, Save up your money and get on a plane at 30,000+ feet and look out the window.. if you still believe the earth is flat after that... then there is nothing on earth that will convince you otherwise.

lol, I can't even get rid of the Lasseecash I have because everytime I power it down and sell it... moere ends up in my account. XD

0.000 STEM

Ever see the experiment where they shone a lazer by a river or something and had plywood set up vertically like over a mile or two? The guys doing it reckoned because the earth was flat it would show up on the far plywood because thee earth is flat and light travels roughly straight under our current gravity load...? I'll maybe try and find the link in my YT history.

EDIT: found it:

Or did you hear about the guys that recently went up to the arctic to see the sun 24/7? which also was something the expedition people (who were also flat earthers) calculated was impossible in their model of flat earth.. But then that ended up getting rekt when they saw 24/7 sun..? I thought that was interesting..


(Only have to watch like 2 minutes into that one)

Also have you heard about people wanting to get a ship to visit the ice wall that encircles the flat earth model? I do not doubt for a minute at one point in time early in our ocean voyages there were people who did encounter sheer ice walls on the sea and believed it was the end of the earth... Who knows though.. Everything we think we know is all just fuckin' programming, from one source or another.

You are entitled to your own beliefs and model of reality even if I believe they are wrong, I don't have the time nor the energy to get upset about your fake news / flat earth propaganda so you do you. While I'd rather not have that shit in my post comments it's not that big of a deal because you literally have to click a button to view the shit so most won't.. All good in the hood man.

But legit take a flight sometime in a 737 or something like that.. What you see out the window will probably blow your mind and allow you to reconfigure your current model of reality.

Anyways, cheers man, gnight.

0.000 STEM