RE: Time to Embrace AI: Entry Level Machine Learning Hardware is Cheap!


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When I saw shit like GPT-J being trained on coding documentation and stack overflow with the outcome being the thing capable of taking text prompts then sometimes creating tangible code I started taking note.

At this point I'm fine with coding being less human intensive but it's still not 100% useable at this point. Hell even Chat-GPT has been used recently to help supplement coders ability to crank out functions and infrastructure code.

I think we're one of the last generations to have to manually peck at the keyboard for hours / days / months / years to make useable software.. Will still need people who understand the stuff for some period of time, but when it gets to the point where the AI can crank out code faster and cheaper than a team of devs and you can turn teams of 100 into teams of a few folks, it'll be interesting.

100% in agreeance about the approximation mention. There is a huge line between understanding how things operate and having a neural network pick out patterns and regurgitating them. Lots of neat magic and parlour tricks out there at the moment, but publicly there isn't really anything that can replace the workforce in all industries yet.. We'll get there in the next 10 - 20 years though from the current rate of progress.

You only need one real GAI to completely change the game, whoever develops that shit first will essentially automate thousands of years of human progress in 1/100th the time given enough processing power and resources.

Artisan work will still be a thing for a bit, but we're on the precipice of "all the things" being able to have the computer do the heavy lifting leaving the worker / consumer in a state of obsolescence.


An area that GPT and deep fakes could do is be an OnlyFans girl... without the girl.
So much of the texting/chating is already handled by worker drones.
