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Headache can be frustrating sometimes and is something that keeps human beings in a restless mood that requires urgent medical attention. At some point I ask myself what is this headache all about and what is the cause of it?, Hence this is common to everyone but the intensity, the cause of the headache, duration may vary, hence the act of finding out the real cause of the head is a crucial move in getting an effective relief and also in managing the headache.

Hence one thing important to understand is that headache is not actually caused by or two symptom but can be of different source of deficiency triggers that stimulated it, occasional headache can be as a result of some temporary cause such as stress, dehydration, lack of sleep or rest, while persistent headache can be of undiscovered health issues that be from the origin source of tension type headache which came as a result of stress, muscle tension accompanied with in-depth pains that have a nausea symptoms.

Hence chronic headache can be regarded as the most serious part of it that is associated with medical condition like chronic sinusitis, neurological disorder, hence what we eat as diet, and get hydrated, how long we rest and as well environmental factor such as unpleasant noise, all are factors that can cause headache and discomfort to human and also all this determine how severe the headaches can be.

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This is prevalent ailments that keep the state of the whole body uncomfortable, hence keeping the body at such a condition, is caused and triggered by different underlying and unseen causes, discovering the problem and giving it a suitable solution will help to keep it at rest.

1 Tension Type headache: On this note, this is regarded as the most common among others that came as a result of muscle tension and as well stress, hence this occurs due to poor posture, prolonged stress, the muscle strain, eyestrain and lack of sleep, environmental factors And dehydration.

2 Migraine: This is regard severe headache that is attached with various symptom such as vomiting, nausea and other factors that act as trigger to prompt this severe headache, hence this is due to the displacement in the brain activity

3 Sinusitis: This is as a result of the allergies or something due to infections, hence all this can lead to this kind of headache that is experienced at the forehead, around the eyes and as well the cheeks.

4 The Cluttered Headache: This is regarded as clustered headaches as a result of accumulation of headache over a period of time, with headache free period that keeps it off from its frequency, hence the cause of this is not yet clear but at some point is related to hypothalamus.

5 Dehydration: This is known by the inadequate intake of water which leads to dehydration which stands as a major trigger that stimulates this, hence to manage and prevent this kind of headache is through the intake of enough water in place to prevent and give a cure to it.

6 Medication /Health issues: This kind of headache us as a result of in take of some heavy drugs that affect the blood pressure, hence drugs triggeres the headache that have side effect.

7 Eye Strain: This originated from the eyes setting due to much strain on the eyes on reading, and other activities, hence the strain of the eyes causes the headache as the result of the eye tension.

8 Environmental Factors: Exposure to your surroundings such as pollution, odor and as well the change in the weather can be a cause to the headache.

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The Prevention has precautionary measure to take in order adge and as well exempt out from such causes and trigger of the headache, hence the adoption of some strategy can be of help to reduce the chance of having the headache.

• Some time some many people do not take much water, hence they take it for granted, as mentioned above the dehydration is one of the cause associated with headache, there is always need for us to drink much of water frequently, most especially those dwelling in the a harsh climate conditioning even Physical activities can dehydrate anyone, hence there need to be hydrated with water consumption in place to reduce the chance of having headache.

• Management of stress can be of help, hence stress is one and most primary cause of headache that is associated tension type and also with migraine, hence managing how you overstress your body system can be of help and a technique to overcome bit through ensuring muscle relaxation

• Having a regular sleep schedule under the range of 7-8 hours daily can be of a great benefits in order to relax the body system and quenched the trigger associated with headache, although having sleep disturbance , sleeping more that required can trigger it, hence doing away with all this can be crucial in Maintaining a a sound health without headache.

• Regular Exercise is of help to this, hence taking part in physical exercise helps to improve our health status, with this reduce this stress on the body, hence we should be also cautious of outrageous excercise that is above our capacity that we engage with, because exercise above our reach can trigger headache.

• Deaming our light associated with rays, can be of help and managing bthr the time we spend on screen can help to reduce the strain associated with the eyes, adjusting this to manage this can be of help especially those that dwell on the light of the screen of our gadgets for hours.

•Having a regular body checkup and medication can be of help to this in place to deal with chronic headache, consultation of an expert can be of a great help to ensure a well and suitable plan for treatment, hence it is good to be taking prescription medication seriously.

Application of all this method, strategic, and prescription can be oh a great benefits to edge the trigger of headache, application of this as routine diagnosis can be of will hinder and reduce the chance of having headache, hence is advisable if the headache is persistence to consult the doctor for an advance test and checkup.




As headache is inevitable to everyone's life, so do we have various strategic moves to manage and treat it, medical and other measures are applicable in place to reduce or quench its efficacy in the body, hence applying all the necessary strategies and measures to minimize and stop the occurrence of headache.

The ability to detect the symptoms and recognize the real cause such as dehydration, stress and others can be a great recovery move in place to prevent it through hydration, stress management, adequate sleep, medical advice and so on can be a way to manage and treat it.

Is important to recognize the cause and practice all to take as mentioned on this post to manage headache we humans encounter, although experience on this can differ, so do our ways to manage it differ, hence there is also need to adopt diagnosis in place to figure suitable treatment for it.


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