Technology in 26years to come


In the year 2000, some of us who were born then looked up to this current year, 2024, and imagined how far the world would have transformed, and the truth is that, yes, the world has truly transformed a lot, especially in terms of technology. Now, in this current year, 2024, looking ahead to 2050 and imagining what the technological world would have become, it seems like everything technology has to offer has already come into existence. However, the truth is, many things we haven't even thought of yet will come to play, and they will shock us.

2050 is 26 years from now, and my mind is struggling to envision anything specific that will define the technology of that time. It's not even the things we've already heard of, like flying cars or similar concepts; no, entirely new things will be introduced.
Reflecting back to the year 2000, most of us never imagined the kind of technology we have today. In fact, even sci-fi movies didn't fully predict the level of advancement we have reached today. Who could have thought of a phone charging itself without being connected to a wired charger? Who could have imagined something like AI writing and visualizing everything in your mind? No one! Imagine searching for someone on a commercial site and going to social media or any other sites to start seeing those items you searched popping out like they're following you.

By 2050, perhaps we won't even need phones anymore to make calls; maybe chips will be implanted in our bodies, allowing us to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world, just by thinking about it. I mean, we think of someone, the signal reaches them, and we start talking.

The only thing I currently see that has been in the testing phase for a long time is human teleportation. Perhaps by then, it will have become a reality, and I would love to experience that in my lifetime. I've seen so many movies that depict this, and before I did some research, I was convinced it already existed in our world. But no, I was surprised to find out that nothing like it exists yet. I even saw a video on YouTube that seemed to demonstrate it, but alas, it turned out to be fake. I just hope that Human teleportation becomes possible and accessible in 26 years, which would render cars and other means of transportation obsolete. As you can see, once certain technologies are introduced, the once-trendy or popular methods go into extinction.

Ohhh, maybe by then, technology would have created easier access and more habitable conditions on other planets, allowing humans to travel there as easily as we travel to different countries and cities today. But if things like that come to pass, the people at the top will likely be in control and dominate. Lol.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 136, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

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You have gone so far in your mind, how will it be that we make calls with chips and I believe that it's not going to be so easy as laziness will grow and more


At this stage we are currently, the laziness is premium. People do not want to bother the brain anymore because of availability of AI😅
