If site developing could be learned by mere wishes

There was a time I stumbled upon an advert on my WhatsApp status about "learning how to develop a website with a phone, for free." Without thinking twice, I clicked on the link and joined the WhatsApp group. I was eager and ready to absorb and easily understand everything that would be taught because I needed that skill by all means. Unfortunately, even though I needed the skill, I wasn't ready to pay fees to learn it. My laptop wasn't in good shape to handle such lectures, and I believed coding could only be done on a computer. Additionally, I wasn’t prepared for long, endless lectures. But when I saw the advert stating that the course would only last for a week, could be done on a phone, and was free of charge, I didn't hesitate.

However, when the lecture day came, the admin bombarded the group with dictionary-like write-ups, and at the end, there was a link to join a pro group that wasn’t free of charge. I just sighed, left the group, and that was it.

The above experience is just one example of how eager I was—and maybe still am—to learn coding for a simple reason. And guess what? IT’S TO BUILD MONEY-MAKING SITES either and investment site or crypto Airdrop sites.

As I mentioned in some of my articles, I was deeply involved in Ponzi schemes until I decided to walk away from that lifestyle. Oh yes, some colleagues and I operated our own Ponzi scheme too, and during those times, I was always responsible for finding a website developer to create the kind of sites we wanted for the scheme. I went through a lot during that period because most of these developers behaved like they were assistant gods. Some would receive advance payments and then start behaving as if they were being controlled with remote by their village people, while I would be running helter-skelter, trying to ensure the site was delivered by the agreed date. The worst part was when the time came to test-run the site; that’s when these developers would suddenly become "busy."

Honestly, I wished I knew how to develop websites back then. It would have saved me a lot of stress and earned me a lot of money because these developers are swimming in money. They charge outrageous fees.

With the team I worked with back then, we were a big force. We even had our own ‘internal’ cryptocurrency, which we heavily publicized, and it reached the target audience. It was successful for the time we wanted it to be. I'm saying this with regards to these modern-day airdrops, which I believe can also be successfully pushed. However, the major thing that always stops me from taking steps toward launching a cryptocurrency with the current trend is not knowing how to design a website or app. I feel like if I outsourced it to a developer, I’d be charged a huge amount, which would likely kill my morale to proceed.

To be sincere, I would have had a trending cryptocurrency/airdrop to my name by now. It may be hard to believe, but that’s just me.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to Digi-prompts of the week

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


🤣🤣🤣 that’s what they always do
They go like sign up for free classes. You join their group and then they tell you that you should join a master class of just 100k naira🤣
