So, we've seen that most #ClimateChange "science" is complete BS... Why is the agenda being pushed? And by whom?


10 days ago, I released the first part of this article, called GLOBAL COOLING! No, wait... GLOBAL WARMING!! Ah, um... CLIMATE CHANGE!!!. In that first article, we walked step-by-step through some of the confusion, misinformation, and downright fraud behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmists. If you didn't read that post, please go back and do so before diving into this one, as I'm not going to be covering that same content again, except as a brief recap.

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The key points that were discussed in part 1 were:

  • The historical data set for global temperature has been altered time and again to make the past appear cooler (thus the charts show more warming than is actually happening)
  • The "97% scientific consensus" claimed by alarmists is based on a study proven to be fraudulent (yet still referenced as the ONLY source of this statement by NASA & others)
  • CO2 is not bad for us, or the environment, except at MUCH higher levels than we've seen (or would with sustained growth for centuries
  • The masses seem to have forgotten ClimateGate, which proved that most "climate science" is nothing but propaganda

I repeat, if you haven't read part 1, please go back and do so. I'm going to be moving away from the talk about these studies and such here, and going on to cover the worst polluters of mankind, government geoengineering programs, the con-men behind the climate scare, what they have to gain, and the large-scale population control mechanisms being pushed with climate change as the excuse.

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The worst pollutants

#1: Methane

The first & most important air pollutant that is generally not spoken of in the climate change discussion is methane... According to the EPA, methane makes up about 10% of US "greenhouse gas" emissions. The part that is astounding, and almost never talked about, is that methane heats the Earth's atmosphere at MANY times the rate that CO2 does (as much as 86x more by some accounts). According to this study, "The major result is that radiative forcing due to methane is around 20‐25% higher than that found using the previous simpler methods."

Many of you are probably thinking something along the lines of "OK, but methane comes from natural gas and other fossil fuel extraction, so it's still the same problem". This is only half the story in actuality. From the EPA, this chart shows the US' methane release, by source (from 2016):

As we can see in that chart, natural gas & coal make up 39% of methane release in the US... but where is the other 61% coming from? Manure management & landfills are pretty self-explanatory (and things where each and every one of us can have a reductive effect through our personal choices. That other big chunk though is a bit less obvious though, what the heck does "enteric fermentation" mean? According to the EPA:

Enteric fermentation is fermentation that takes place in the digestive systems of animals. In particular, ruminant animals (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels) have a large "fore-stomach," or rumen, within which microbial fermentation breaks down food into soluble products that can be utilized by the animal.

With that little bit of clarity we realize that 26% of methane released is purely from animal agriculture, while another 26% is from modern "waste disposal" programs for trash, water, and sewage. Add to that the amount of fossil fuel energy used for those same systems, and it becomes clear that the majority of methane released is due to the corporate consumer culture that has dominated the planet. Take the Low Waste Challenge, go vegan, and you've just reduced your effects on air pollution by about half. Please note, as I covered before the Earth is not heating in any extreme or out-of-the-ordinary way, but if it was, cutting methane release would be the fastest way to stop it.

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#2: The Imperial War Machine

By just about any measurement, the US Department of Defense is one of, if not the, largest polluter on planet Earth. From depleted uranium and nuclear weapons testing, to regular spills into waters and the use of chemical weapons like Agent Orange. According to Newsweek, almost 75% of "superfund" sites (places with Federal grants for cleanup because they are SO contaminated) are military facilities or owned by private military-support companies. In an interview for the same article, Maureen Sullivan, who heads the Pentagon’s environmental programmes, says her office contends with 39,000 contaminated sites.

The following image was taken from ProPublica's Bombs in our Backyards series, and is a screenshot from an interactive map of military pollution with which you can see what's around you.

Let's just run through some stories of specific examples of the war machine's pollution (never-mind absolute immorality & mass genocide):

  • Many of the Marshall Islands are still unlivable after the US military tested 66 nuclear weapons on them. (source)
  • Navajo reservations' water supplies have been contaminated by abandoned uranium mines (source)
  • The US Navy, just 2 years ago, dumped 20,000 tonnes of "environmental "stressors," including heavy metals and explosives" into the Pacific Ocean. (source)
  • Use of depleted uranium in Iraq has led to desertification of 90% of its territory, and practically eliminated agriculture. (source)
  • Over 5 million have suffered health effects from the US military's use of Agent Orange in Vietnam (source)

Remember, these are just a tiny drop in the vast ocean of blood & toxic chemicals that the war machine is working to drown the world in. Please notice as well that these are only the US military's pollution... and they are far from the only band of well-armed thugs destroying the planet. To be fair, the US military budget is about that of the next 12 countries combined, so let's just assume that whatever damage they've done, the rest of the world's militaries have probably done the same amount jointly. The first step towards a cleaner, healthier, and more peaceful world is to stop paying taxes and outsourcing responsibility for your actions to an organized crime syndicate.

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#3: Geoengineering

This one could almost fall under the previous category, since the geoengineering programs of the United States are unarguably part of their military dominance plans... but it's a bit different as well, in part because this is PURELY intentional (where much pollution could be said to be accidental or simply unexpected results), as well as the fact that for some reason many people have been tricked into thinking that these publicly-named programs don't exist and are some kind of conspiracy theory.

There have been a large variety of geoengineering programs put in place by the United States and its allies, including programs like Project Stormfury, Operation Popeye, HAARP, and many many others. Cloud-seeding has been actively practiced in the US for close to 100 years, and

If we think of geoengineering as an experimental surgery, our findings suggest that the side effects of the treatment are just as bad as the original disease,” author Jonathan Proctor of the University of California, Berkeley, told Reuters UK during a telephone news conference.

To dive deep down these rabbit-holes, here are a collection of articles specifically about geoengineering by @dbroze:

The Con-Men: Bill Nye, Al Gore, et al.

Bill Nye

Bill Nye is a long-time children's entertainer, who received an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, and practiced stand-up comedy for years before donning the character of "The Science Guy". Somehow, he went from being the wacky guy introducing basic scientific concepts to children to being one of the biggest faces of the Climate Change alarmists. He has never published a scientific paper, and while many will say the he has 6 PhDs... they're all honorary PhDs (mostly given for showing up at speaking events)...

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There doesn't seem to be much in the way of an agenda on Bill's side, he is simply a paid actor, and is regurgitating the propaganda that he has been fed. The biggest issue with his face being all over this discussion (besides the fact that he is spewing lies and propaganda) is that he is often looked to as a credible expert over ACTUAL scientists.

“So long as a partisan performance artist is the national face of the climate change fight, conservatives will continue to have a case that the left’s championing of science is all about politics,” read a 2017 criticism of Nye in the New Republic.

Al Gore

Al Gore is of course the number one front-man of the "global warming" scam, and over the past decades has made hundreds of millions of dollars by pushing the non-science covered previously and doing his best to terrify the masses into his ridiculous trillions-per-year "solutions". When he was vice president, Al Gore's wealth clocked in just under $2 million, increasing by around $24 million off his movie An Inconvenient Truth, and hitting over $300 million last year. Of all the talking heads, he seems to be the simplest "I just want more money!" of them, so I'm not going to look around for ulterior motives.

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"The whole idea of anthropogenic global warming is completely unfounded," said astrophysicist Hilton Ratcliffe, a fellow of the British Institute of Physics. "There appears to have been money gained by ... Al Gore ... as a consequence of this deception, so it's fraud."

"Gore prompted me to start delving into the science again," said meteorologist Hajo Smit, who is a former member of the Dutch UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change committee. "I quickly found myself solidly in the skeptic camp."

Award-winning meteorologist, J.R. Kirtek, ridiculed Gore's 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth. "If the definition for a documentary is 'presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film,' then I am confident that Al Gore's movie was not a documentary," he said. Indeed, in 2007 the High Court in London identified nine errors in the film, and Ratcliffe said he found 35 fundamental errors "without trying too hard."

The following is a parody:

Agenda 21/2030, Centralized Global Control, and Eugenics

There are clearly some overlapping plans & designs around the climate change movement, from people like Gore just looking to make a lot of money, to things like Agenda 21/2030 looking to centralized governmental control and closely monitor the activities of every human, to the long-running eugenics movement in America and other empires. This section alone could go on for a few hundred thousand words, so I'm going to try to simplify it as much as I can with the use of some images & videos.

I'm not going to dive too far down the Agenda 21/2030 rabbit hole here, as it is a DEEP one, but here is probably the most in-depth research site, as well as a wonderful translation of the 17 new "goals" laid out when Agenda 2030 was signed, thanks to Activist Post:

  • Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Translation: GMO
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Translation: Population control through forced "Family Planning"
  • Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Translation: Privatize all water sources, don't forget to add fluoride
  • Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing
  • Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy
  • Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Translation: Forced austerity
  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
  • Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes (aka Al Gore's wet dream)
  • Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors
  • Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights
  • Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Translation: More UN "peacekeeping" missions (ex 1, ex 2), remove 2nd Amendment in USA
  • Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide

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The "overpopulation" argument is one that can't be separated from the AGW movement, since if CO2 is a problem, then every human is immediately a problem, because we breathe out CO2. From a Rockefeller study released in 2005 (and often used incorrectly to show that overpopulation is an issue, we see that: "in the short term ,our planet can provide room and food, at least at a subsistence level, for 50 percent more people than are alive now because humans are already growing enough cereal grains to feed 10 billion people a vegetarian diet."

As you can see in this following presentation by Bill Gates, the ideas of depopulation & eugenics are quite strong, and inextricably tied to the climate change movement. As Gates says clearly in the presentation (all of which is based on the false assumption that CO2 is a pollutant): "The world today has about 6.8 billion people; that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, and reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%"

When you then look at how much Gates has funded Monsanto & Planned Parenthood (both of which are actively involved in eugenics programs worldwide [stay tuned for an upcoming piece on the creation and purpose of Planned Parenthood]), it's quite clear which side of things he falls on.

Conclusion, and what we can each do

So, you don't believe in climate change?

This seems to be the most common question I receive when discussing these topics, which is exactly why the term is being used now. If the options are to believe in climate change or not to believe in climate change, then those pushing the agenda can claim that anyone arguing against them is a complete fool, since we know for a fact that the climate is ALWAYS changing.

My point is manifold, and is based on taking personal responsibility and the empowerment that brings, rather than spreading fear and offering "solutions" to a now-scared populace.

  1. CO2 is not a pollutant
  2. Most "climate science" is complete fraud
  3. The biggest polluters on the planet are the military, animal agriculture, and companies like Monsanto
  4. No matter the problem, more government is NEVER the solution
    a. Government is simply the use of violence & coercion against others instead of taking responsibility to change your own life
  5. The Earth is not warming (at least not linearly, different regions are all warming & cooling separately)
  6. The Earth is not overpopulated, we can easily feed everyone a well-balanced diet, and eugenics is ALWAYS immoral (not just when the Nazis did it)
  7. For the first time in history, we have the ability to share the truth faster & wider than the system can spread its lies
  8. EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO CHANGES THE WORLD! Here are some big things you can do to make the world better
    a. Stop paying taxes
    b. Eat a organic, non-GMO, vegan diet (growing it yourself is best)
    c. Stop taking in corporate media of any kind
    d. Begin practicing radical personal responsibility, stop acting like a victim or outsourcing responsibility for your actions
    e. If someone is trying to convince you to be afraid, chances are they are planning to take advantage of you somehow


If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy some of these highlights of my blog:

"Greatest Hits/Table of Contents" of my first 2 years on Steemit

You've Created Your Steemit Account and You're Ready to Get Started... What Now? [New Steemians Start-Up Guide]

The 8 Pillars of @TribeSteemUp: Clarification, Refinement, and Re-Casting the Spell

The Status, Vision, and Needs of Real Life: The Role-Playing Game

Be Empowered Official Announcement & Website Launch - 3 Days of Steem-Powered, Holistic Empowerment




There's a typo here: "He has never published a scientific paper, and many will say the he has 6 PhDs..."


Personal responsibility is the only way to fix any problems. Especially complex problems of the future whatever they may be — exactly!

For example, nobody designs, except by accident, programs and hardware in a centralized fashion, but goes for decentralized, self timed message passing! And unlike in nature programmers and engineers have complete control over the materials which they form and with which they operate.

Yet most institutional actors dedicate themselves, first of all, exclusively, to the hammer of centralized, bureaucratic entities. So they try to find plausible missions for such centralized, bureaucratic entities. — Why?

There's just no easy money for organizers in decentralized solutions — precisely because these solutions are so decentralized. Only after deciding that centralized solutions are the answer to everything and anything that may have an answer do most past, present, and future big operators look for particular problems to solve.

And the result is what? They gravitate towards nails of all the same kind, — nails which to the representative consumer who's busy, poorly educated, and therefore doesn't think very much and doesn't like thinking, appear plausibly to require centralized solutions. — And the unorganized majority does not object. They remain unorganized — a mass — not a majority — when things start to move. So things move (the wrong things move), the big operators collect, nothing really changes (other than for the worse), and more prospective big operators see opportunity to do more of the same.

Meanwhile centralized institutions, basically harmful except when useful by bizarre accident, accumulate and accumulate and accumulate.

(Ultimately the only majorities are organized minorities. Not easy to organize a larger than certain size group of people — especially those who're busy and already accept premises hand wavingly thrown their way by their prospective opponents should they ever organize.)

This is one lens through which to look at some of the proposals thrown around in politics and even in industry.


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I will NEVER forget having to stand in the shallows of a DEAD coral reef in Asia because I had no other choice, when an American starting SCREAMING AT ME for doing so. My hubby yelled back at her 'Yeah, says an American.. what about fucking IRAQ!'. Whilst of course it may not have been best approach in saying American military is responsible for so much fucked upness, it reinforces the idea about perspective and lack of imagination. My standing on dead.coral in two inches of coral wasnt causing harm at all.

I am reminded of apigraha in yogic thought. If we could reduce greed and make everything we do thoughtful and mindful, we wouldnt even be having an argument about climate change.

A wonderful post... resteeming.


I would like to know where you got the term apigraha from, because in my, and Patanjali´s, book it is अपरिग्रह, so aparigraha. Another copy&paste desaster? 😘

अहिंसासत्यास्तेय ब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रहाः यमाः - Yoga Sutra 2.30


Just a typo lovely ...of course I meant that...just as you meant 'disaster'... am so tired Thankyou for picking it up...


Desaster is the word and spelling in German, got in the way somehow. 😉


Hi there! Great post, and an extensive one. Various industries (I would dare to say capitalism) are driving the planet to a brink where it will react , and all these factors that you mentioned (especially military & war) can influence the planet climate dramatically. There are many factors that are in correlation with the temperature rise, for example the melting of permafrost also causes the release of CO2 and methane, which responds gradually with temperature increase, which in return melts the permafrost at an even higher rate. I just hope we don't get to the point of no return. God bless and don't listen to the broken system but to the principles built into our DNA! May the nuclear force hold us together :)


You are even more intense than I am. Its a pity that 'climate change' is so entrenched in many governments, that it appears to take on the form of a religion. I wonder who the arch-bishop is pulling the strings?


It certainly is one of the driving points of the religion of scientism. If there is any one or just a couple behind it, they're probably the same ones always behind these big, clunky, expensive lies. I really think more and more that these things are more just natural manifestations of such a screwy socio-economic structure.


incredible.. the truth is like a blade of grass in a field... There are so many issues tied up in the climate change debate.. for me, no matter where the truth does lie,, and am open to believing this even though i have promoted carbon footprinting for years.. is that we need the changes you have said.. and we need them for SO many reasons.

thank you for doing the work to find and pluck this blade of truth out .. and share it with us.. maybe trump isn't such a douche bag after all! lool. (this weeks qotw is on him!)


There really are, and most of the voices screaming about any of those issues seem to fall into two camps: the financially invested & the appealing to authority without any research or critical thought.

I don't think we can possibly know the exact correlations & causations between our actions and the environment around us, but I can say that more personal responsibility (freedom) and less outsourcing of responsibility (government) is always the right direction :-)


This is a very thought out and informative article. I appreciate the credible sources you've provided along with an insightful argument. I do believe that the media itself is a very scary tool in that it can validate and also invalidate certified research, with the intention of pushing their own agenda.


Yes! Complete bull shit they are!!
Nature has an omnibus INFALLIBLE method of CLIMATIC RESTORATION!!

Notwithstanding that, We should not be complacent to CONCIOUSLY destroy Nature!!


Just one thing...
.going vegan doesn't matter.

Now how about the extinction attempt of the herds of buffalo and the game of the American West? Huge numbers...

Well animal waste management has something you missed. You can capture and store methane and boom. Burns and is able to produce renewable energy.....

Good idea for a post. Thanks!


going vegan doesn't matter

It matters for my health, it matters because I am not paying to support deforestation, and most importantly it matters because imprisonment, rape, and murder are wrong, no matter the species.

You can capture and store methane and boom.

I am well aware that it is possible to capture methane and use it for rocket-mass systems, I've worked on permaculture projects that included that; but it's not happening on anything but the tiniest scale, and the "animal agriculture" industry has no intention/plans to implement it, so it isn't really relevant when talking about at-scale solutions.

It also still doesn't address the moral, health, or other environmental facets.


Still floored at this rape thing...

So where are these sexual assaults happening? Unaware that this is a thing. Let's see some evidence?

And uneducated vegans who have a way of twisting the facts are definitely a problem.

And honestly buying from monocrop industrial farming does more damage to the environment than all of the good you claim to be making.

Think you miss the point that manure is the best and natural way to enrich the soil...

Most of human history we have lived in balance and had some great ways of living in balance.

Sorry but again just from your tone and reply I find that you seem to think you have all the answers and really dismissed my opinion for your own ego.

Wow. Ha.

Yeah this idea that your dietary preference makes you better than others or a more aware person? No it's just your ego.

Kinda floored but whatever. Go think as you will.

But honestly? I just lost some mad respect for you. Hope you understand.



So where are these sexual assaults happening? Unaware that this is a thing. Let's see some evidence?

From Forbes:

Perhaps the most unpleasant fact to consider about cows' milk destined for human consumption is that it almost certainly required a heifer's forced impregnation. Female cows are strapped to a rack (common slang often refers to the device as a "rape rack") and inseminated with semen stored in a massive syringe. There are 9 million dairy cows in the United States. Nearly every one of them suffers immensely from the results of this experience.

From MyJobDependsonAg:

The cows in this photo are locked in the stanchions, yet they are still completely comfortable. They are locked for about an hour every morning so that we can come through and clean the beds, sort the cattle that need to be moved to a different pen, and artificially inseminate the cattle that are in estrus. Yes, cows are artificially inseminated at the feed rack.

And honestly buying from monocrop industrial farming does more damage to the environment than all of the good you claim to be making.

And I speak/write about the importance of growing your own, buying local, and not supporting big-ag in every single post about food/diet, and plenty that aren't.

Sorry but again just from your tone and reply I find that you seem to think you have all the answers and really dismissed my opinion for your own ego.

Your response started with "one thing: going vegan doesn't matter." Literally dismissing me offhand. You clearly had no interest in a constructive conversation, so I addressed the one point that you had about methane use, and laid out a few reasons that it absolutely does matter.

Yeah this idea that your dietary preference makes you better than others or a more aware person? No it's just your ego.

Choosing not to commit murder (whether directly or through middle-men) is not a dietary preference, it is acting on a moral principle of non-violence.

I've already gone through all of your points multiple times, with plenty of people who came at it in a more polite and open way, and really don't have patience for people who jump onto 5000-word research papers (not about veganism btw) with the response "veganism doesn't matter".


Shrug. Food Nazi. Why you gotta pick on people that don't think your way.

Now for animals... Yeah I've seen exactly no awareness or activism for the local endangered species... Namely the salmon.

But dude. Come. On. This is exactly why I don't like vegans. Ego and clique, good job. Went full food fascism, and really in my eyes you really go full out. Exactly why I don't want to hear your words? Well your people committed one of the biggest genocides against my people. You stand on my land which is stolen. And you say you protect animals?

OK where is any awareness about the farming of salmon in Canada on reservation? How about that massive pollution...

But yeah you really keep thinking you are new. Your grandparents recycled.

But for such a self aware person your eyes are really closed.

Oh and mainly my preference of food is native. So yeah are you going to restrict the native peoples diets to soothe your ego? Please... Tell me. I'd love to hear that...

And do I like the big agriculture? Nope I grew up with farmers and ranchers. I lived on the back of my own horse... I've protected and cared for animals.

So what's your stance on the main issues with salmon preservation?

Hang on here is a quick line up.

Dam breaching...

Agriculture diversions and runoff...

Sea lions? Here is a big one.

Commercial fishing. (please pick this one I'll smash!)

Superfund cleanup sites? Hanford and the Willamette River?

Oh and artificial insemination for cattle is to protect the cow from the crushing weight of the bull. And also the safety of the rancher.

And hang on so are you asking for a consent form and minimum age for cows? And are you really expecting a bull to abide your ideas of consent?

And also... Are you expecting all these cows to be freed from slavery? How are they going to get vet doctors?

But for actual vision I find that your fixation on "murder rape slavery and other stuff " actually a bit worrying. And also that you might be a hair out of touch and sheltered.

Now... Only thing big enough to warm the planet is the sun. One flare from that? What are you and every other human going to do with no technology? No bank no cash. Just what's on your person.

And hey I'm sorry but I'm living in a van homeless and things are hard enough without your drama.

Here is another thing I bet you never opened your eyes to.... American wild horses... How about you stand up about things like that instead of drama like this.

As for me I'm just appalled... Not a single time do I see a vegan say a prayer or blessing. No appreciation of your food source. Just ego and demands. And way too much of your sourced produce is big agriculture. As much as you want to help you can't make more people actually get a farm.

One day if I can actually get a property for me and dog to park the van on? I was raised as a farmer. And permaculcuture isn't that difficult as is aquaponic systems. Which I have a feeling my experience with animals and farming might be a gift.

But unless you modify your approach? Yeah people like me just shrug. But food fascism is real. And as a human being with a bellybutton why are you being a dick?

And basically the way you try to drive the point home if I don't agree with you? Am I a rapist murderer and all that other stuff?

But yeah what about nature? You gonna tell herbivores they need to be put down because they are not environmental impact positive? Hey elephants are huge farters! Are you recommending that we need to exterminate them?

Come on man. For all peaceful and enlightenment you paid for, your eyes are still not actually open. Enlightenment isn't bought or gained at a retreat. And repression of anger with no healthy male avenue of release is not healthy. Might want to think about that because this conversation from your side is very hostile and accusatory. And that's not cool. You are violating me with your negativity...

Thought you was a positive attitude guy? Are we wrong?

How about an apology, adjust your practices, have some humility, learn how the world really works... And a little fucking appreciation for Mother Earth for providing your ungrateful ass with something to eat. While 50 feet away from me homeless people sit and starve tonight.


Not everyone has the privilege of getting to choose what we get to eat.


I am absolutely appalled at your replies here @ganjafarmer, and extremely disappointed. Kenny worked very hard on this article and is constantly fighting for a better world (as well as most of the people we support). If you disagree with someone's viewpoints, you should provide healthy discourse and stay on the point that is being discussed. If you put as much effort into your content as you do trying to discredit other's, you would be much more successful and happy. I have given you all the advise/support I can possibly offer, and then you go and tell one of my best friends who is vegan, and lives in our area, that being a vegan does not matter. That would be like someone telling you being native doesn't matter, its offensive and prejudice, and there is no place for it, especially towards someone who is indirectly supporting you through a conscious project I created. I am not trying to discount the points you have made, but the way you have portrayed your opinions here is extremely rude (not to mention egocentric which is ironically what you are accusing him of), and I am not the only one who thinks that bro. If I were you, I would take a step back, and really think about the manor in which you would like to comment (now and in the future), and maybe even sleep on it a bit if you feel passion surging. You are in a unique position for success if you can aim your focus with positivity, but being super negative like this towards people is causing dissension, which TSU just recently had a big discussion about. I really hope you can see the error here, but only you can decide how you want to shape your reality... and affect the people around you.


Now, how about more info on the "Initiative" some of us gave money to for someone now being said is not a veteran, is the person one or not, I know we personally gave money as did Bernie Sanders and groups who are trying their best to do stuff only to find out they are being duped. If we don't contain our tempers all the time it is because of shit like this that we combat, and apparently the rest of you are also having similar issues with similar people...... it's bad for the platform , thank all of you from diff "tribes" that are standing up for some sanity, logic and truth


Seriously bro? If your this crazy intelligent person, that the very people who you bite claim to be, who have met you in person and live near you; then why the hell bite person after person here and burn bridges in such an epic way. Your taking advantage of people and mistaking others kindness as a weakness.

I can understand your wild behavior if your just a bored as hell genius trying troll people and bring out the worse in people. But why attack kenny like this? Especially on such well thought out material? You came here conjecturing without any counter facts to be presented here to give credence to your pontifications.

Oh by the way...
MANURE is not THE best way to build soil. In fact what do you or anyone know about soil science as only 0.05% is understood. In the meantime here is a good chunk of that 0.05%.... And yes i was raised on a farm too growing up... A cow pasture with hundreds of cows.


I may not always see eye to eye with everyone, but what is going on most of us are agreeing on is over the line and now I yanked my delegation on Karla's Krafts which teamgood Financed out of good faith on someones word who turns out to push this ,


Lemme tell ya somethin'...
(If you didn't come to party
Don't bother knockin' on my door
I got a lion in my pocket
And baby he's ready to roar)
Everybody's got a bomb
We could all die any day, Oh
(But before I'll let that happen
I'll dance my life away)
-Prince 1999


this guy is now the topic in about five groups/teams and such and basically is causing shit everywhere and involving peoples money .....uncool, wayyyy uncool. I can only answer for myself but seems that between a couple of sketch/bogus things financed by others including whales.....let's say the welcome mat is being taken away, @ganjafarmer, next time you wake up someones husband with a ping to keep on trolling and causing shit with person number (lost count today)....maybe this isn't the platform for you to push your "initiatives"...blocked/ least we all can agree some stuff is going to be shown the exit door


Ive known ganja for a while at least on Steemit. He has done well for name recognition. 50 cent 101 really! If he survives the pirate battle he will maybe as famous as 50... May the price rise to reward the hard working 20k that are still here. Thank you for contributing to Steemit while 2/3's of Steemit went inactive since I joined back in only December.


One final point about the Salmon thing you mentioned, if you believe in that so passionately, why don't YOU write an article highlighting those injustices, instead of complaining that someone else didn't, who spent 10+ hours writing about their topic of choice. Meanwhile your blog content highlights nothing about the problems that you stated so passionately here... so before you condemn someone for not highlighting an injustice about anything, you might want to make sure you have actually highlighted it yourself on the same platform...otherwise it is obviously hypocritical, among other things.


Actually I've been apart of historic salmon habitat rehabilitating the streams. Bet I can take you there... And we as a group got a huge amount of garbage.

So instead of writing a post I actually did something about it and also keep up with the news and community.

Oh I'm sure you don't know my tribe runs our own hatchery on the salmon river? Or that my uncle is historically a salmon and tribal rights activist?

So honestly... I've done more than just write a post...

And about that reply.... By all means.

Oh and next stream that comes up for rehabilitating? I'll definitely make sure to tag you. Sorry man I'm talking facts...


Shrug. Food Nazi. Why you gotta pick on people that don't think your way.

Once again you're demonstrating that you have 0 interest in actually having a conversation, and just plain making things up. I never picked on anyone, and if you had read any of my content or asked a single person who's ever met me, you'd know that I don't give ANYONE shit for what they eat, unless they actually ask my opinion, or make inconsiderate, baseless comments.

Now for animals... Yeah I've seen exactly no awareness or activism for the local endangered species... Namely the salmon.

Interesting, because I've seen quite a bit of both, and down below you yourself talk about your involvement with that kind of activism... so obviously it's happening.

Dams... sea lions... agriculture... etc

I don't know if you're aware of it or not, but you also keep avoiding actually responding to anything I say by jumping to other topics that have absolutely nothing to do with my content or the conversation at hand, acting as though you know where I stand on them, then arguing with that imaginary Kenny... Not conducive to conversation, education, or much of anything really.

Well your people committed one of the biggest genocides against my people.

Oh, would that be my Scottish ancestors who came over in the early 1900s? Or was that my Cherokee ancestors? Or maybe the ones who fled Nazi Germany? Which ancestors of mine were committing genocide again?

It really feels like you've got a whole lot of anger and pain, and I'm sorry that I responded from a place of feeling attacked rather than holding compassion & lovingkindness when you sent it my way. I hope you find the healing you're looking for, and it's clear that you've got a lot of community here to offer that support if you're ready to ask for it.


By all means let talk...

But do you think being called a rapist and murder because I don't believe your opinion is right?

Having elamental talking about how I fucked up. And for actually having fun and liking our interaction.

But I dare you... Let's sit and talk... I'll let you present your opinion and we can talk.

But hey.. Here we go. How about we come sit down. And talk about this.

No talk about murderers and rapists... And we can meet as human beings.

Would that be fair?

But man... Come-on. Why the instant hate and "war".. Seriously you think any of my communication was disrespectful, I was trying to make light of it.

Why not meet in the middle. And I can respect your food choices.

Can you be open to having a conversation?

And help? Sure! Currently I'm homeless. I live on foodstamps and a tiny disability check.

Ive been suffering massive back pain.

And I've been an actual activist. So if you are offering.. Yes I'll take help and support. This week I've been in massive pain. And best thing I got is giving myself a Backrub.

So be the change in the world. I'm totally down to hear.
Are you able to respect my views?

And as to pain.

Generational trauma.
My grandfather was an Indian boarding school victim.

How about I share some causes. The missing and murdered indigenous women?

Mass graves being uncovered in the boarding schools.

My mother being in the group of women sterilized by the federal government.

Oh I'm the Unpapered mutt of the family. And we are the only race that has to prove that we are of that race.

I didn't get my right to have a culture and religion until 1978...

And if you want to really cry? I'll share the family history.

Shoshone helped Lewis and Clark get to the Pacific. The original treaty and recognized alliance between the USA and Shoshone. And then the wars and betrayal?

But I feel we could learn from. Eachother.

Oh. And you might recognize me and remember you gave me a hug already...

So again. I can't wait to sit and talk with you more.

And thank you for the offer and DEescalation.

Nice to actually start now we can drop some of our preconceived labels. I can respect your opinion but you and I don't need to fight over a dietary preference.

But why does this have to be a war? I'd rather throw votes and help the new people. If rather be positive.

And still have the meet-up but next week I'll be going gold mining.

Never know what can happen in life.

Be well Kenny! Hope you realize I wasn't malicious or hateful.. But trying to make the best of it even during the reaction.

But props... The first war without a flag...


But do you think being called a rapist and murder because I don't believe your opinion is right?

I never called you anything. You are getting defensive about a strictly moral comment that I made, which was not directed at any individual.

But man... Come-on. Why the instant hate and "war".. Seriously you think any of my communication was disrespectful, I was trying to make light of it.

I don't see how anything I said could be interpreted as hate, and I'm pretty clueless as to what it is you are considering a "war". I would absolutely say that your comments were disrespectful, that's generally the term that's used when someone is making logical and philosophical points and the other responds with things like "that doesn't matter", racist assumptions, etc.

But why does this have to be a war?

Again, the only war is existing in your own mind, and certainly has nothing to do with me.

you and I don't need to fight over a dietary preference.

Dietary preference would be something like "I prefer apples over oranges", "I prefer almonds over cashews", etc. Calling veganism a dietary preference is akin to saying that anarchists are just expressing organizational preferences.

Morality is not based on preference, but on logic & principles.

Hope you realize I wasn't malicious or hateful

I can believe that it wasn't your intention to be, but your comments most certainly were.

You may not remember at this point, but you're commenting on a post about the truths & lies around AGW, major large-scale polluters, eugenics agendas, and the centralization of governmental power. Even removing all of your claims that I'm acting out of ego or the various baseless claims you've made about me and my heritage, the majority of your comments have nothing at all to do with this post.

I'm not sure what the point of bringing up all of these things about your family history is, are you trying to justify something, just trying to get sympathy, or are you somehow trying to blame me for these things too?

I find myself wildly confused trying to follow your train of thought here, and the fact that the only thing I've said that you addressed in any way is that rape & murder are wrong (which you went off on a defensive tanget about), I don't really see much value in continuing to respond.

I've got no ill-will towards you, but I don't see what there is for either of us, or anyone reading, to gain.


Yeah several. Times you directly implied that if I don't follow your opinion that I of course am a murderer and rapist. Highly offensive. Bit I instead engaged you and talked with you.

And out of this? The past couple days really have shown me a ugly side to this community. Elamental's actions haven't been what a friend does.

Anyways. Up to you. Sounds like a no, we are not talking.

Well is as it is. And guess your offer of help isnt on the table.


Yeah several. Times you directly implied that if I don't follow your opinion that I of course am a murderer and rapist.

Go back and re-read my reply to your initial comment, which was already rude & only tangentially related to my post:

2018-09-12 00_32_17-So, we've seen that most #ClimateChange _science_ is complete BS... Why is the a.png

And out of this? The past couple days really have shown me a ugly side to this community. Elamental's actions haven't been what a friend does.

What I've observed (and can be seen in the comments threads here and elsewhere) is a lot of people who seem to care about you calling you out on some highly questionable behavior, you either ignoring or attacking them, and them having enough of it.

And guess your offer of help isnt on the table.

I offered an apology, and pointed out that (from those comments I just mentioned) you seemed to have a community here willing to help you. Since then I've learned that you've been lashing out at many of them and blocking them when they reach out to you.

Time to step up and take responsibility for your own actions and their consequences; stop trying to play the victim.



Think you got some things crossed.

And I just accepted your offer of help. And offered a chance for us to sit and talk.

So is your offer if help and connecting there or is it not?

And honestly? This vegan thing is just for fun and engagement. But you vegans treat people who don't conform with your ideas, like absolute garbage.

Calling us rapists and murders?

How about the "I'm better than you" attitude?

Oh it's not a dietary choice? Have you known hunger? The fact you don't have a choice and are desperate enough to eat anything?

And really doesn't matter. I've been involved with some bullshit drama. This conversation has been blown up and do believe that I'm kicked out of earth tribe for just talking with you.

Shrug. Oh well I'm not apart of your clique? Oh dang. Why will I ever do?

OK so yeah your drama? Petty. Ok

But as well I've been trying to do other good things.

The karlaskrafts situation. I bought a account for what I thought was a human trafficking victim. Which I've been dealing with that situation.

Which those people have used this situation to again escalate the drama.

And honestly? Lashed out?
Please tell me.

Only one I've thinking you can put that down to is elamental. Which I've helped him and your efforts by promoting them and speaking positively about your efforts.

Or are you talking about this situation?
And lashing out... Hmm maybe you are talking about the battleaxe situation? Oh yeah I should blindly attack another steemian? Just because someone tells me to?

Which has really gotten me exactly no where.

So I'm sorry if I can't devote my life to directly addressing your each and every point.

However on the subject of help. Didn't you just offer? Then it seems you take it back. Then offer again?

So are you offering to help or just playing games?

Personally someone that offers help just to withdraw it? That's pretty low.

And honestly? Why the hate? Sorry but someone that's full of peace and love isn't telling someone that doesn't agree with them that they are a murderer and rapist.

Personally I just think you are playing games and use diet and your mind to set yourself apart and above other humans.

Again I haven't seen any respect from you and elamental. Sorry I'm tired of being talked down to. If my content isn't your highest of standards and do as you wish I don't get the votes. Shrug. Seems that your materialism is showing.

I give thanks for every vote. And also express my appreciation for my food source.

Is it not right for me to feel like a one time friend and as well you have negative feelings towards me?

Sorry man I've always been cool with you and this meltdown of your actions? Nope. Not a fan.

And sorry the attitude that you are better than an omnivore because you are vegan? Well think about how you treat people.

Oh and elamental has my number and could call at any time.

I'll stand by my belief that we are all equal. No matter what your diet is.

So any way we can get a conversation started? Or are your words full of empty promises?

However I think you might just choose to do the opposite as I've already called out out on your "offer" of help.

But why do I need someone who is going to belittle me and start ordering me about? Oh I don't. I can survive without changing who I am just to belong. Which I'm really hearing from you, if I do change who I am I can join your elitist clique.

Well if I go vegan is that your answer? If I give up my traditions and culture will you accept me?

If I follow you blindly and parrot your words am I as enlightened as you are?

Hang on. If I pay to go on retreats, do I become a more spiritually powerful person?

Answer to all these is no.

But again. Your behavior? Not something I feel is truly from the heart.

Personally it's my feeling you use your diet to set yourself above others. And honestly why?

We all could do more. In fact I posted about cleaning up the local beach here yesterday. I'm making a change. Not excluding and behaving like I'm superior to others.

Anyways. Best of luck.

  1. I never called you anything, or implied that you were anything. Read the comments dude.
  2. I didn't offer you anything except an apology; I pointed out that you seem to have a lot of community who want to help you, though you seem to be attacking them and driving them away.
  3. I'm muting you now, because I don't engage in banging my head against walls.

Thanks for making these comments Kenny, respect.


one thing as a person who still eats meat, but recognize i have to change my diet to a full plant diet, it's so hard! Ive been addicted to it all! But I fell eating meat is the hardest addiction to break. Its like im brainwashed to think when i eat a meal, a meat has to be the main dish. But this is all from being brainwashed. With campaigns like GotMilk? BEEF! Its whats for dinner, its so hard not to be. How did you break your addiction?


woohoo tell it brother, tell it! just got wind of this post through ET!! as a native american water protector and one that loves Tucker this post made my day. loved it and thank you.

eagle spirit


An A-1 jobs of laying out the wider angle to the story. 👍🏻


i slow skimmed the post. it all resonates with what i've learned to some extent before. i recall a good friend telling me we were into a "mini ice age" so good to plant crops for 1/zone colder than i'm in to prepare.

Then i saw Ice Age Farmer censorship (in particular from Discord who deleted his account - and one of reasons i dont use Discord).

So, this looks like a very good post, thanks for sharing. Not read the comments re the matter you mentioned and probably won't. i take people as i find them.

Edit. i have read the comment thread. i feel you responded and persevered very well Sat Nam
End edit

Ps. i did notice a year or so ago you unfollowed me, perhaps because you were leaving Hive.
