Fireworks pose a threat to animals and humans.

Fireworks pose a threat to animals and humans.


Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well. Today I will discuss before you about fireworks. I will try to present its negative aspects to you. Hope you all like my post


Almost all of us know fireworks. We do this through fire. Fireworks use large quantities of gunpowder which is known to be very harmful. As far as I know, gunpowder is usually used for lighting fires and making small fireworks. It also has many other uses. Anyway let's get back to the point. When do we use firecrackers, usually we use these firecrackers in various social rituals.

I want to give my example. I am a citizen of our country. I have seen people in this country use firecrackers in their social events. Especially in our society, these fireworks are used the most in wedding ceremonies. Also, during the Muslim Eid, small children use these fireworks in our country.

There are some negative aspects of using these fireworks. Fireworks are used for one more purpose in our country and in the whole world. That is to celebrate the new year.

Many of us do not think about these fireworks. There are some downsides to fireworks. One of them is that the animals in our society get scared when they see fireworks. Its loud noise not only scares the animals but also harms the birds. Fireworks kill many birds in the world.

The fireworks we use especially for New Year celebrations and the firecrackers we shoot in the sky cause a lot of damage to birds. Starting from many small birds to big birds are affected a lot by these fireworks. Many birds die. As a result, there is a lot of impact on the environment of the society.


I myself have seen many fireworks. Also, I have seen in different TV news and newspapers what kind of damage is caused by these fireworks. That's why I stopped doing fireworks on my own initiative. Also, I make people understand how harmful fireworks are to our society. As a child, I saw that the cat in our house got scared because of these fireworks.

Also, the dogs outside got scared. They started running away because of these fireworks. Many more are disorientated by this loud noise. Although we spend good moments but they spend many bad moments.

It would not be correct to say that only animals and birds are harmed by fireworks. People suffer a lot. Small children have accidents due to these fireworks. It has also been seen that many people's bodies even catch fire as a result of these fireworks. Many even die. It is also seen that fireworks are more of a threat to older people because the loud noise makes them sicker.

Especially for those who suffer from heart, this firework is the name of panic. There is no guarantee that these fireworks will give them a heart attack. Also, when there are excessive firecrackers in some society, the smoke goes into people's lungs. As a result of which he suffered severe damage. Many even develop asthma.

So I think we should always stay away from fireworks. I said no to this firework, you should also say no to this firework. Our society will become much better and none of the people we live in the society will be harmed.

Even though young children don't want to hear these things, they still need to be convinced.

If we understand them, surely they will understand us. By doing this they will stay away from these scary aspects and stay away from fireworks. These were some of my writings, hope you like them.

