Who am I?


Hello everyone! My name is Kaiky Corturato Piva, I am a Biology Student by Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) in Brazil.
I am currently a scientific initiation scholarship student focused on the molecular diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies in the laboratory called Laboratório de Genética e Biologia Molecular (LGBM).


This is me on a travel to Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, in August/2023 to participate in a Pharmacology Winter Course organized by Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).

I decided to study Biology because of my immense love for science since childhood and desire to be a teacher! I have always been very inquisitive and interested about the topics related to nature, animals, plants, the human body and all knowledge included in Biological Sciences... knowing about the different forms of life and their aspects fascinates me!

Among the different areas of biology, Neuroscience and Biochemistry are certainly my favorites and which I intend to specialize in the future.

My desire to become a PhD in these areas were my main reasons for choosing Biological Sciences as my basic knowledge. I strongly believe that this course will enable me to become excellent and extraordinary!

"Biology is the only area of science that provides the evolutionary potential of all understanding in neuroscience" - Suzana Herculano-Houzel, a neuroscientist, biologist and pioneer in the area.

Academic life can certainly become a magnificient period in a person's life, a lifestyle that I am deeply passionate about and intend to follow.
In december 2024 I will finish my graduation degree and start postgraduation studies in neurobiochemistry to become an excellent teacher and researcher

This way, in 10 years I hope to have completed my PhD and be a graduation professor, no longer just a student. Moved by joy and a sense of belonging, I hope to be able to practice my profession where I graduated and, with all certainty have a stable financial life for myself and my family.

That's all, folks! See you soon...


Welcome to the best web3 network ever, Kaiky. Have fun around here!


Seja bem vindo à Hive Kaiky! Aqui temos uma comunidade chamada HiveBR, logo mais o @shiftrox deve mandar uma mensagem com os detalhes. Toma uma !PIZZA


Olá, seja bem-vindo a Hive! Desculpe a demora em chegar aqui e conversar com você, mas acabou que sua entrada na Hive passou batido por nós, mas, antes tarde do que nunca!

Convido você para que entre no nosso Discord ou no WhatsApp para poder tirar dúvidas, conversar e criar laços de amizades, gostaríamos muito de ajudar em seu crescimento aqui na Hive, explicando sobre como utilizar as tags para que possamos realizar a curação de suas postagens por exemplo. De qualquer forma, ficamos felizes em ter mais brasileiros por aqui!

Tudo de bom para você! Um forte abraço e até a próxima!
