The Trauma With The Nerves Issue Affecting My Waist & Stretching through my Thigh


It's true that the Doctors do not get time to explain certain things to we the patients when go for check ups or go for our health problems. This is just my experience encountered with one Doctor when I went to Mampong Government Hospital on last Monday 15th May 2023. I went there purposely for my waist pain stretching down through my thigh down to my leg. At first it started as muscle pull and ended with severe pain. So I was like twisting and balancing to one side which gave me bad posture for those who know me real. The situation was getting out of hand and I needed to rush to hospital for proper diagnosis and if possible physio. I went there early morning around 8 o'clock am. But every Monday has been very hot with bump of patients.


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When I issued my Health Insurance card for the nurses to check my validity of information and checking my blood sugar, temperature and body weight, It took me 7 hours before I had the chance to see the Doctor. When I entered the consulting room 2, the Doctor had ample time interacting with. This also led me opened up with him to tell him what is worrying me. The Doctor told me that the whole problem is about complication of the nerves. The nerves form a network of tiny connective tissues in the peripheral nervous system whose functions as sending messages or impulses from the brain to all parts of the body. The Doctor explained that since they form network, when one part is affected,it affects other parts of the body which isn't part too. This was revealed when I asked the doctor why is that when even I cough I still feel some pains in my thigh and legs.

The Doctor said that actually it's also part of their work to further explain things to the patients about their sickness. Since few Doctors attending to many patients, it become impossible for them to explain things in details for patients. But in an attempt to explain things would mean spending a lot of time on one patient but this is impossible to happen. He explained for my case, is the problem with the nerves, the pressure on the groups of nerves, It might be disconnections and some death cells. As there is some disconnected tissues, that place become affected and difficult to function as it was first functioning. This could increase the pain of affected area.

I was given medication upon my interactions with the Doctor. I thought I would be referred to make physio to see the extent of the affected part. But the Doc. said I should the medicine for a 1 month and come to review to see my condition.



Hopefully your condition will improve soon and the medicine given will work optimally.


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