Simple Machines Continuation, Types and How They Work


Greetings all and Sundry! It's another great day to share with. Hope you're fine. I bring you the lesson on the continuation of simple machines. To recap, we discussed what simple machine and the various types of simple machines. We went on to explain levers as simple machines with a rigid bar which rotates on q fixed point call pivot. and other 2 parts called effort and load. We went in details to explain the classes of levers with examples.

I want to us to look at the rest of the types of simple machines like wheel and axle, pulleys, Inclined plane, wedge and screw.

Wheel & Axle

Wheel and axle is a circular device attached to a rigid bar in its center. The axle rotates when a force is applied to the wheel and this causes turns of the whole devices. Examples are ferris wheel, wheels and axles of car tyre, electric fan, bicycle rim and the tyre, corn mill belt and the entire wheel and axle.


Ferris wheel

When the Axle of the Ferris turns, it makes the whole round wheels turn and this help to produce the desire work output.


The wheel & axles of a car

Similar thing occur in the wheel and axles of a car. The bar consist of the axle which turns when the engine if switch on and the car is in motion. The movement of the axles cause the wheels to turn and the entire tyre of the car turn to be in great acceleration.


[The bicycle tyre & the rim


The whole bicycle tyre consist of rim, the tyre and small rigid bars that have been fixed in the rim. The axles have been fixed into the wheel which would be at constant motion when the paddle is paddled.


A pulley is a device that consist of a wheel or grove, a rim and a rope passing over the wheel or grove.A load is attached to one end of the rope and effort is applied by pulling the other end of the rope. The wheel then turns to move the load. A typical example of a pulley is the a well water mounted with wheel, rim and a rope. This make easier to draw water from the well without stressing oneself. The load like the bucket is attached to the rope and wounded over the rim of the wheel. If the bucket is lowered in the deep well to fetch water, it's easily drawn by pulling the rope over the rim of the wheel. This quickly draws the water.

30942647-water-well-with-pulley-and-bucket (1).webp

Pulley on well

Inclined plane

An inclined plane consist of a plane slanted surface, either designed in that way or a flat surface lean on the raised object which help in rolling load along through it surface rather than lifting it directly. Most loads are too heavy to be lifted manually into into cars or packing at appropriate places. A typical example is lifting a heavy barrel with oil or petrol into a truck, but it becomes very easy to roll the same load through an inclined plane into the truck. Timber logs are very difficult to be carried into the timber truck by 100 people but it become very easy for a tractor to roll it on inclined plane of two logs.


inclined plane

A wedge

A wedge is a double - inclined plane that move to exert a force along the length of the sides. The force exerted help to split the body into two. An example of a wedge is an axe which is used to split fire wood. Chisel and knife are similar examples. Wedge look simple like inclined plane but they perform different functions.


Screw is device which consist of a rigid bar having wounded around it bar. As it turns in clockwise direction, the screw turns to be tightened. As it turns in anticlockwise direction, it begins to losing. Most screw is made up of bolt and knot which are used to tightening machine parts. The screw is used in so many things, especially the screw driver which is used to lose and tight bolts and knots.

Reference 1

Reference 2


How can I forget the wheel and axle, which is a great reminder of the good old days, it was so much fun going to rise on it as a child back then.


Thanks for your comment. My pleasure 😂


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