Women's health/ another day spent in the clinic
Hello friend, good morning to you all from my end. Trust all of you out there having a wonderful time today. Well, I can't rightly feel that.
ONCE again, I want to talk about how my day went today. Starting from when I woke up till this very moment.
So first thing first, I woke up very early this morning, and it was around 4:15 AM. Literally, my fan woke me up when the electricity was brought back.
So as usual, I did my morning devotion and immediately, I went to read. This morning, I must spend 1hr or more reading my clinical education materials. And yes, it happened. I read some important materials which were related to physiotherapy approaches and assessments. These are some of the things I needed to learn to equip me properly for my new unit. So after spending about 1hrs plus, I headed out to prepare for clinical posting.
I brushed my teeth and then ate my breakfast which my mom prepared. She woke up very early in the morning to prepare the food for us since everyone was leaving early today. So I had my breakfast and then boiled water to take my bath. It was a quick one and I didn't want to waste much time on this. After that, I dressed up and left for the pack where I would enter the bus heading to the hospital.
Luckily enough, I found one immediately after I reached the park. I entered the bus and we zoomed off without wasting any time. After 30 minutes of driving, I finally arrived at the hospital, although I took a bike from the hospital's gate.
I got inside the hospital and I signed in for the day.
Next, my clinical experience. When I got to the unit, some of my colleagues were already there.
It means I was late already but glad our chief had not come by that time. I sat on a seat which I assumed was left for me and we waited for the interns and chief to come and teach us.
After some time, our chief and the interns arrived at the unit. As usual, we greeted them and quickly brought out our writing materials because we already knew that teaching was about to start.
“This morning, we are going to look at Antenatal Exercises”, our chief said. Today, being Wednesday, we were meant to visit the Antenatal ward to teach them, but unfortunately, that morning, we only had one person there. So we couldn't continue with the program.
Back to our unit discussion, we discussed the Antenatal exercises and why it is important for the baby and its baby. Our chief outlined many benefits of exercises which we wrote about in our materials. We discussed the contraindications, safety rules and signs to look out for in case anything goes wrong during the exercise.
Along the teaching, questions were asked and we all learned from the questions too. What a wonderful experience.
After that, we talked about body fat measurement and how to measure that. We got the necessary equipment for this and carried out the practical aspect on one of the female students. We confirmed her body fat percentage and noted the range she falls into.
The picture below was taken when the calculation for her body fat percentage was being done.
We were on this till noon. When it was half past 12, we signed out and departed the unit to our various destinations.
I took the picture below when I got to the bus stop where I could get a bus heading to my place.
I didn't wait for a bus to show up, since one was already there. So we entered and we left immediately.
After a few minutes' drive, I reached my way home. When I got home, I was feeling thirsty. What did I did? I drank a malt which I had in my bag since I couldn't get water at that moment. When I freshened up, I had my lunch and then went to read. My exam is coming up very soon , hence there is a need for me to read more now.
After some hours of studying, I took my free time to check social media and read some news online. When night approached, I prepared my bed and went to bed. That was how I spent my day.
Yes, it was a great day and I really enjoyed every part of it. Thanks so much for your time, reading this post.