What do we take life for ?
I wholeheartedly believe that success doesn't just fall into our lap. We have to work hard for what we want because it won't come to us without a fight. It takes strength, courage, and a strong belief in yourself to achieve your goals. When faced with criticism or negativity from people around us, it is important to stay true to yourself and use it as motivation to push forward. Please ponder on this.
I have learned before that anything worth having is worth working for. Whether it is a dream job, a personal goal, a relationship or anything at all, putting in the effort and dedication is all we need to accomplish that. It may not always be easy, and there will be obstacles along the way, but staying focused and determined will pay off in the end. You'll be happy by how far you have gone.
One thing I have noticed is that self-belief is the key. If you fail to believe in yourself and your abilities, how can you expect others to believe in you? You can now see how important it is to have confidence in your skills and talents, even when others doubt you. Remember, we are capable of achieving great things if we put our mind to it. I have tested this many times and honestly , it yielded a lot of positive results.
Criticism can be a tough pill to go down the gut, but it is how we choose to react that matters most. Instead of letting negative comments bring you down, use them as fuel or ladder to prove that you can succeed despite what people think. Turn that criticism into something positive by using it to improve and grow. Just know that not everyone will understand or support your journey, and that's okay. After all, only a few care. What matters most is that we believe in ourselves and our abilities.
In my own life, I have faced my fair share of criticism and doubt from others and I still encounter that even now. People have questioned my choices, my abilities, and my goals. But each time someone has tried to bring me down, I have used it as motivation to prove them wrong. I have turned their negative words into positive actions, pushing myself to work even harder towards my dreams. How cool is that?
So it is imperative and important to surround yourself with people who support and uplift you. Find those who believe in you and your potential, and lean on them for encouragement when times get tough. Having a strong support system can make all the difference in staying resilient and focused on our goals.
Hence to conclude, I'm going to say plainly that success doesn't come as easy as we thought, but with hard work, determination, and self-belief, anything is possible. Embrace challenges, learn from criticism, and use it all to fuel your journey towards success. You are capable of achieving great things, but you need to keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams. So I encourage you to stay strong, stay courageous, and most importantly, believe in yourself. !!

Dear @jsalvage !
I guess you and Emmanuel are in a difficult situation right now! I saw the news that the situation in Nigeria is bad.😯
Yeah, you're right. The country is messy recently. How did you know that 🤔
Nigeria continues to struggle with chains of dependency
Dear my charming lady @iskafan's good article!😄
How did you know that she's charming 😂
She was popular with the guys!😆
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