My Journey So Far- how I'm balancing

Some days I wake up feeling like I have everything under control like my clinical postings studying and my challenge. Other days I just stare at my screen wondering where all my motivation ran to stop but honestly I didn't think writing daily would be this tough. When I started this 30-day challenge I thought oh it is just a one day post, no big deal,l but now reality has just humbled me.


My day starts early. I wake up around 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. depending on how much my body decides to cooperate, just to squeeze in some study time before heading out. By 7:00 a.m. I am already in the hospital for my clinical postings where I get to apply everything I have learned in school. It is always exciting but also overwhelming. Some days I feel sharp and confident like yes I know this stuff but most times my brain just decides to take a break,and I blank out completely. Then I will see my colleagues answering questions with confidence and I start to wonder am I the only one struggling like this?

By 2:00 p.m. I'm done with clinicals but there is no time to relax. I have to dive straight into my books. Hematology and pathology have been dealing with me lately. Pharmacology especially there is just too much information to memorize. I have tried mnemonics storytelling, active recall, everything and still some drug names just refuse to stick. Exams are coming fast so whether my brain likes it or not it has to cooperate.

Then there is my daily hive blog post. Somedays i already know what I want to write. Other days, I just sit there staring at my laptop, waiting for inspiration to fall from the sky. And let me tell you inspiration is a very unserious thing. It shows up when you don't need it but the moment you sit down to write , boom, nothing!. Sometimes I even ask myself who send me a message to do this challenge? But I have learned that consistency is more important than motivation. You won't always feel like doing something but you do it anyway because that is how progress happens.

Looking back I am actually proud of myself. It is not easy balancing clinical exams and writing every single day but I'm still standing. Some days I feel like quitting but I remind myself why I started. Step by step I am getting better and that's what matters.

Omo this life no balance sometimes but we move regardless. How do you handle overwhelming days? Please share what you have in mind in the comment section.

174.898 STEM


Dear @jsalvage !
I guess you're having a very hard time right now! You look like you're in your 30s!😂

0.000 STEM

Hahaha 😂. That picture was taken 4yrs ago. But yes, hard time here is dealing with me for real 😂

0.000 STEM