Judge my roommate : Is this peer pressure or personal realization?



One fateful night, my roommate stumbled back into our hostel, looking like a man who had just discovered the secret to life. And, in a way, he had. After hours of gallivanting with his friends outside the campus, he has finally experienced the thrill of socializing – a feat he has been putting off for far too long. I mean, this guy's idea of a wild time was debating the meaning of life or getting lost in a novel. So, seeing him walk in with a goofy grin, smelling faintly of freedom and friendship, was a shock to say the least.

That day, he threw caution to the wind and joined his friends for a night out, leaving his books and debates behind. I'm still unsure what sparked this sudden urge for adventure. Whatever the reason, I wasn't there to witness it, and he's not telling (or at least, not telling me). But the tales he shared upon his return – that's a story worth sharing.

When my roommate came back into our hostel room, his face was beaming with a radiant glow – the kind that screams 'I have had the time of my life!' It was still relatively early, so I'm guessing they had packed in enough revelry before the night got too old. He looked like a man who had finally found the secret to happiness, or at least, a really good time.

But beneath his euphoric exterior, my roommate had been harboring a nagging concern – why wasn't he feeling the same thrill as his friends when they had ventured out? He confessed to me that he has been feeling like a spectator in his own life, watching others have all the fun. But that day, something shifted. By engaging in a free-flowing discussion with his friends, where everyone shared their unfiltered thoughts, he discovered a treasure trove of new perspectives. It was as if he had finally found the secret ingredient to connect with others – and himself.

Apparently, their discussion was a masterclass in meandering conversations – they covered a vast array of topics, jumping from one idea to the next with reckless abandon. I'm pretty sure they solved world hunger, debated the meaning of life, and exchanged recipes for their favorite snacks – all in one sitting!

My roommate's confession took a surprisingly candid turn when he revealed, 'James, I've been missing out on a lot, especially without a girlfriend. And to make matters worse, I have no clue how to approach women!' I was taken aback by his vulnerability – he was laying his feelings bare without holding back.

He went on to envy his friends who had girlfriends, extolling the benefits of having a significant other. But I was shocked when he said, 'James, having a girlfriend can unlock your stars!' I found myself choking back a laugh at this cosmic claim, but I didn't want to burst his bubble, so I nodded thoughtfully instead.

As he continued to unburden his heart, he vented about the coveted campus relationships. 'When you have a girlfriend,' he said wistfully, 'she can motivate you to read – imagine that! You can swap insights, share thoughts, and bare your souls to each other.' He paused, looking hopeful, and asked, 'Is that enough reason for me to have a girlfriend?' I couldn't help but chuckle and nod in agreement – 'Sure!' I said, trying to contain my amusement. It seemed like he had been intimidated by the loved-up couples who made night reading sessions look like cozy date nights. Who knows, maybe he just wanted to experience the magic of having a study buddy who doubles as a partner in crime?

And from that day, the hunt begins! My roommate has now embarked on a mission to find a girl with brains – someone who can keep up with his intellect and maybe even challenge him to a debate or two. The search is on, and I'm eager to see how this journey unfolds. I'll inform you guys if he succeeds. But what's most interesting is how this whole ordeal has highlighted the power of peer pressure.

As I reflect on my roommate's journey, I'm reminded of the profound impact friends can have on our lives. Peer pressure can be a powerful force, and in this case, it's transformed my roommate's perspective entirely. He has gone from being indifferent to the idea of having a girlfriend to seeing countless reasons to make it happen. It's almost as if he has been swept up in a whirlwind of excitement, eager to experience the thrill of being in a relationship.

While I won't say he has made a mistake by trying to get a girlfriend now, I do think it's necessary to approach this new chapter with caution. After all, not every girl will be willing to accept the challenges that come with dating a student who relies on his parents for financial support. That's why I've advised him to be sensible and genuine in his pursuit, to ensure he finds someone who truly connects with him.

Well, what do you think about this whole thing? If you were in my shoes, what would have been your advise to this my roommate!

Who am I?

I am a complete beginner who resides in Africa's Western Hemisphere. My name is James, but you may reach out to me through the Facebook page [James Kossy] (https://www.facebook.com/christ.messenger.904) Physics, chemistry, and biology are the three topics that I find most enjoyable. My current studies are taking place at the university level, with the intention of becoming a recognized professional in physiotherapy. I am fascinated by all things technological, and I take pleasure in contributing to the fascinating technological advancements that are taking place throughout the world today. In my spare time, I'd like to learn more about programming and help others with any technical problems they may be having. 💞 ***🌹❤️ Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me thus far. ****💞 At the moment, I don't have the right words to say how much I appreciate all of your help. You never cease to astonish me with your generosity. For me, this has turned into a haven of enjoyment. Thanks to colleagues like you, this has all been possible. You've been a great support for me. Everything you have done for me and my family has been greatly appreciated, and I will always be grateful to you. 💕.


While I won't say he has made a mistake by trying to get a girlfriend now, I do think it's necessary to approach this new chapter with caution. After all, not every girl will be willing to accept the challenges that come with dating a student who relies on his parents for financial support. That's why I've advised him to be sensible and genuine in his pursuit, to ensure he finds someone who truly connects with him.

Well, what do you think about this whole thing? If you were in my shoes, what would have been your advise to this my roommate!

Dear @jsalvage !
My young bro James!
I agree with you that dating girlfriends is a huge financial burden and a waste of time for men. You are wise and prudent!😃

I don't think you have a girlfriend right now!😄

From my perspective, I would first like to know if your roommate is someone you can have a real conversation with!

I think you need to figure out your relationship with your roommate first! Is he someone who can take your advice?


Yes, he can take advise from me. So I think he'll be willing to listen if I want to say something on this matter


He has gone from being indifferent to the idea of having a girlfriend to seeing countless reasons to make it happen.

Wow, the effect of peer pressure was indeed scary for him. I also sometimes felt that, but I don't get easily swayed—or some things were preventing me from doing so. Anyway, if I were to advise something to your roommate, then I'd definitely advise him to take everything slow. He didn't need to rush everything just to feel the thrill in it. The right girl will eventually come at the right time.


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Thanks so much @theinkwell for the attention and kind reply. I had that in mind before publishing on this community. But truly, the idea was actually my real experience with my roommate but I employed the help of an AI to improve the grammar and words beatification. But I failed to indicate that at the end of this post.. my bad

The evidence...


Thank you for that explanation, @jsalvage.

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