Have you see how we make our red oil? Come and see !!

Good evening everyone, how are you guys doing? Tonight I want to talk about How I spent My day before I go to bed. So what happened today? I woke up very late today being Saturday since I know very well that I will not be going to clinical posting.

I think I was awake around 7 a.m. hence, I got to read my book. In that morning, I decided to study respiratory pathology. This is one of the topics I really don't enjoy reading due to how bulky and uninteresting the topic is. So I managed to study this for almost 1 hour plus before I became tired. But do you really want to know what I studied? The topic was all about diseases affecting the respiratory tract and organs. This includes what could cause pulmonary obstruction, difficulties in breathing and also asthma. The topic also included pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory related diseases.

Honestly I must confess that this topic seems to be interesting somehow but I don't enjoy it due to many terms that were need to be studied or crammed. But I managed to craft out many mnemonics or shortcuts to master some of the important points needed for my exam. When I was ready to move on to the next subject I decided to read my clinical education.

The topic which I picked was gait analysis. As a physiotherapist Gates analysis and understanding is very important to us since it enables us to diagnose many gait pathologies or get related issues. So when I got the topic, I was enjoying the study because I was actually demonstrating or practicalizing what I was reading. This made it very fun for me. From my studies I know that there is a difference between stance and step when walking.
I picked out these important points and made sure to memorize them in case I see any related questions in my exam.

After that I decided to leave my room, brush my teeth and also help with morning work which was already going on. We were preparing our red oil that morning. We always map out Saturday for work like this since everyone will be around to help in one way or the other. I was the one who did the pounding. You can see that from the picture below.

The Palm fruits are spread on the ground. You might be wondering why this is so or why we did that. Well spreading the Palm fruits on the ground has this tendency of making the Palm fruits very soft when pounding it. Anyways, this might not be a good explanation but that's it.

So I began pounding , making sure the whole palm fruits were soft enough. When I was done with the pounding I went inside to take my bath, freshen up and went back to my reading. But before that, I ate my breakfast which was yam. When I was done eating, I went back to my studies.
That moment what I decided to study was pharmacology. The title or the topic I studied under pharmacology was the pharmacology of oral hypoglycemic drugs, that is drugs used to treat diabetes especially type 2.

When I was done with that I also picked another topic called hypolipidemic drugs. That is drugs used in the treatment of high levels of cholesterol in the body. It was already late when I got tired. Also my system battery was getting low. By that time I didn't have any option because there was no light. So I decided to stop my reading and then take my lunch. After this I prepared to go to bed.

This was How I spent My day today. A day filled with many activities and I thank God that it was very productive.

Thank you for reading my post and I really appreciate your support.

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