You would like to have a robot for your home.


You would like to have a robot for your home.

Having a robot to help with household chores has been a staple of science fiction and futuristic predictions for several decades and now Mentee Robotis says this may happen as early as next year, MenteeBot is a new humanoid robot created to be, Firstly able to reason, learn from its owner and execute a series of tasks in new environments, without prior programming its AI brain controls all aspects of its movement and functionality providing dynamic interaction with the real world with nothing more than cameras with sensors, microphones and a speaker.

I imagine such a robot at home, helping with lifting heavy objects or washing dishes or even as a receptionist and a supermarket, since it also has natural language conversation skills and a new update the robot has received the ability to follow a human around the environment and learn about the surroundings.

The MenteeBot can navigate in complex environments by combining a 3D model of the world with a dynamic map of obstacles, the first day in a new place the Mentee Robotis generates the 3D model by following a person who shows it around, during the demonstration the robot maintains to the person in the center of their field of vision this is important, since the Mentee Robotis are oriented by their human colleagues.

The bipedal robot is capable of using real-time 3D mapping, localization and dynamic navigation, allowing it to operate in complex and completely new environments immediately, it uses the various AI models built into its artificial mind to analyze the data from the cameras and other inputs and then determine what actions to take, this includes following instructions.

In a demonstration video we see a human telling the MenteeBot to go to the table in the kitchen and wait for instructions, it responds to confirm the request and then begins to walk, when it reaches the kitchen table it is asked to place the fruit in a box and place it on a demonstrator, a task he executes slowly but perfectly.

A robot powered by an AI mind is nothing new, we have seen experiments from companies like Finger using OpenAI's GPT-4 as well as Google Deep Mind, what makes the MenteeBot stand out is the promise of fairly rapid commercial availability, Most AI robotics products are in the form of clunky industrial equipment, small vacuum cleaners or toys but this is a humanoid robot that the company claims will be able to start operating at home or in the workplace next year and how cool is it? is that he can talk to you.

The only notable issue I could see was the speed, even though the MenteeBot is nimble, agile and capable of carrying heavy loads, it seems very slow taking a considerable amount of time for a short trip, but that won't be too much of a problem. large, its purpose is not to run a race, there are no details on pricing or an exact date of when the MenteeBotpero will be available.

The company is announcing that the first release will likely be a limited production prototype, available in select environments and to partner organizations, rather than direct to consumer.


The images without reference were created with AI
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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!


With the way and the direction the world is actually moving to, I am so sure it will soon come to a point whereby robots will become people's friends


With the trend we are going, that would be the least harmful; I am not optimistic, corporations will take advantage of what they can.


The most important thing is that the MenteeBot will do whatever it is assigned to do. I'm sure with time a faster version will be made.


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