Wireless highways

Wireless highways

Image created by me in playgroundai

Tesla gave humanity many ideas, including wireless power transmission, but this idea doesn't work over long distances, but over short distances things change a lot and something happened at the end of May.

The Israeli company Electron has managed to get an electric car to travel almost 2,000 kilometers on a highway with wireless charging. In the very near future, roads, at least the main ones, could directly power cars, surely the first application would be on highways, this would allow Going long distances without the car having to carry a charge, this would avoid huge battery usage, and would solve many problems.

In the video you can see the construction of a wireless road in Sweden, what you see on the road are the structures that are placed under the asphalt and that are the ones that will transmit the energy to the electric cars that pass through it or trucks or any another type of electric vehicle that circulates on it.

This has a huge advantage, since among other things it would also make it possible to manufacture cheaper electric cars, with smaller batteries, a car battery is currently one of the most expensive parts of the vehicle, for example, cars could be created with a range of only 200 km for those streets or highways that did not have wireless power transmission, so as you can see Tesla's idea is still alive.

There are also projects to create solar roads, but they have their problems, there was a project in Canada and another in the United States, but they ended up with quite serious problems, because solar panels were placed instead of asphalt, and this led to various problems, to start with a lot of noise and it was a problem, then they ended up getting dirty quickly, with which they lost their capacity to capture solar energy and they also broke down quickly with the passage of heavy vehicles, such as tractors.

But that's science, it's an experiment, you have to try it, see how to improve and try to continue advancing on that path if possible.

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