What can we see in the Universe?

What can we see in the Universe?


In the universe, the oldest thing that we can see or rather capture is the radiation that permeates the universe, it is a ghost of the original time of the Cosmos, the origin of everything, scientists call it microwave background radiation or cosmic background radiation or cmb for its acronym in English.

The image above is a vision that allows us to go back to about 13.760 million years in the past, but this image is not the origin, it is not the beginning. The problem we have is that the microwave background radiation is like a curtain that only It lets us see until about 380,000 years after the big bang, the moment that gave rise to the universe and that was first theorized by the astrophysicist and priest George Lemed almost a century ago, although he called it the primordial atom or cosmic egg.


It seems to me a very poetic term, although the term that triumphed was the most impressive of Big Bang or great explosion created in 1949 curiously by the British astronomer Fred Holiday in a series of radio talks that he gave on the bbc, he said curiously because in Actually, what Fred Holiday was doing was making fun of the Big Bang, he defended another theory, that of the stationary state, which basically affirms that the universe presents constant general properties invariant in time and space, therefore its origin tends to infinity in the past, with an exponential expansion rate, that is to say, that this theory maintains that the universe never had an origin but that it always was as it is today.

It is a theory that was even supported at least for a while by Albert Einstein himself, although he later rectified it. Today it is a theory that is practically abandoned, because and this is what is important, the evidence that has been discovered in these almost 100 years they are increasingly supporting the cosmic egg theory, the Big Bang theory.


In science, the tests are the ones that prevail in the end, they are the ones that ultimately rule, and it was precisely the microwave background radiation that provided crucial support, a decisive test for the Big Bang theory, but because we can only see up to 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the reason is because at that moment the Universe cooled enough so that the first hydrogen atoms could be formed, which are the simplest and from that moment on photons were able to travel freely through space It was the moment when the light came on.

We see that initial flash as a fossil in the microwave background radiation, before those 380,000 years we do not have any proof, although we do have many calculations, theories and simulations, which is not bad either, thanks to physics we can calculate, for example, where The bullet will fall from a cannon without having to fire it, thanks to knowing the energy of the projectile, the speed, the direction of the wind and various other parameters, since in the same way we can calculate what happened between the moment of the Big Bag and the start of microwave background radiation.

Although There is a problem, a shooting range where the cannon in the example that I have put is a familiar Environment where the known laws of physics apply, but the initial moments of the Big Bang is the strangest environment in the history of the universe and we desperately need some way to break through the microwave background curtain to have proof and see what really happened.


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Many believe multi-universes exist and our universe is only one of them.


Yes, it is most likely so.
In addition to being created and destroyed...
