What awaits us in 2024

What awaits us in 2024

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This is going to be a very intense year, there are going to be a lot of things, a lot of new activities and we will really have everything from solar maximum to the exploration of the moon, there will be comets, there will be two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses.


This year 2024, which I hope will be very happy for everyone, in 2024 there will be 12 full moons, those in September and October will also be considered supermoons since they will look larger because they will be closer to the Earth, closer than what would be the On average, we will also have two solar eclipses, a spectacular eclipse due to the number of people who will be able to see it. This one on April 8 will be visible in Mexico, the United States and Canada, it will be a total eclipse that will also not happen again. A total eclipse of this type will be visible until August 2024 in the United States.


The other eclipse will be on October 2, this one. You are going to see here this strip that, as you can see, will only be seen in Chile and Argentina. It will be a solar eclipse of the ring of fire type, since the moon will not cover completely the solar disk.

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Apart from these solar eclipses there will also be two lunar eclipses, one will be penumbral, it will be visible in Europe, northern Asia and also eastern Asia, in Australia, Africa, North America and South America it will be between the 24th and On March 25, there will also be a lunar eclipse, which causes the moon to hide behind the shadow of the earth, and there will be a second partial lunar eclipse, which is when the earth moves between the sun and the moon without it reaching to directly affect the entire moon that will be visible in Europe and much of Asia and Africa that will be between September 17 and 18.


In addition, we are going to have a comet that will be visible to the naked eye and it also seems that it will be quite spectacular, it is called C/2023 A3 because it also comes from very far away, from the Oort cloud and its orbit could be millions. of years, that is if the sun does not now expel it from the solar system with the push that it is going to give it, because it is also going to pass quite close to the sun at 58.6 million km and that means a lot of heat, together with the fact that it has a large amount of ice since it is a cool comet, it may be the first time it approaches the sun and this will make it very bright and it may even break up.

The moment of closest approach to the earth will be on October 12, 2024 and it will be at about 70 million kilometers, it is a more than safe distance but enough to give a good show, it is believed that it will be visible at With the naked eye, it will also be visible to amateur astronomers and professional astronomers to study this object that comes from so far away.

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To all of the above, we must also add that the year of the solar maximum is the period within the 11-year cycle where the sun will be most active. It was assumed a couple of years ago that the solar maximum would arrive around the month of July. 2024 but there is so much solar activity that some are thinking that we are already within that period of Solar Maximum and Solar Maximum as its name indicates because we will have more spots, more flares and more and more powerful solar storms, it is even possible that we will see northern lights in Mexico or Spain.

In short, this year will be very intense.

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