We live inside a black hole

We live inside a black hole

We do not know what is inside a black hole, because once the event horizon or event horizon has been crossed, everything we know about physics and the functioning of the universe ends, we do not know what happens inside there, but that is not It means that we do not have theories and some are spectacular.

It may be that everything around us, the entire planet and the entire universe is already in a black hole, perhaps we are already inside one, to explain this we must go back to the beginning of the recipe to make an apple pie or any other Another thing about the universe that we know, we must go to the Big Bang, which from what we currently know was an event that occurred about 13.8 billion years ago and from which everything arose, matter, energy, space and even time.

From what we know today, maybe in a few years and by then things will have been discovered that will change what we know, but the thing is that right now what we know is that that initial event, that singularity from which everything arose, It is currently the subject of investigation and controversy.

There was a before, many scientists affirm that there was no before, time began to count at the same moment of the Big Bang, nor do we know what that singularity was made of and why it triggered the process to create the universe, however, some scientists theorize that an instant before the Big Bang all the matter and all the energy in the current universe were compacted into an incredibly dense particle, a cosmic egg, that was what George Lemet called it in 1931, an idea that, with the contribution of other researchers, culminated in the Big Bang theory, the one we currently have.

A cosmic egg, an infinitely energetic, infinitely dense and tiny singularity, well it makes no sense to talk about small since the spatial dimensions that we currently know did not exist. Everything was compressed there and everything emerged after that moment from that particle of that cosmic egg and Here we come to the big question how that particle, that cosmic egg, could have been created.

Nikodem Polansky, a researcher at the University of New Haven, explains it in the following way, “our universe would be just one of multiple universes, so in an ancient universe there was a supermassive black hole that did what all black holes do, swallowing everything it found. get too close to it, the matter crosses the event horizon and becomes compacted in the singularity of that supermassive black hole, we know that black holes rotate at high speed, surely at a speed close to that of light and that spin gives the singularity of great twist, in addition to being ultra dense, it is being ultra twisted.

We are not talking about twisted matter in the singularity, everything is compacted there, remember there is the matter that has entered, but there are also the dimensions of space and time itself, all twisted in an extreme way; Polanski describes the situation as one of those spring snakes that get into a jack-in-the-box, that snake has a lot of energy stored in its spring and jumps when the box is opened and according to the researcher this is what happened with that ancient black hole. , ended up jumping but not in his time, nor in his universe, but in another universe, forming our universe through a Big Bang.

In this way we and our universe could be the product of another, older universe that would be our mother universe. However, this theory has some problems. The first is that we know that black holes do not swallow everything, even as theorized by Stephen Hawking. can evaporate, that would mean that the new universes that emerged from black holes would be increasingly smaller and with less energy.

The other question is that our universe emerged like this, but then where did the mother universe of all universes emerge from.



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