There was a tenth planet.


There was a tenth planet.

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There is a question that many astronomers ask, if there was ever a planet in the asteroid belt, because the answer is no, if we put together the entire mass of all asteroids including the dwarf planet Ceres and the largest asteroids in the Vesta belt and Pallas, we would have an object with a mass of just 4% that of the moon.

4% is very little for a planet, in addition, modern analyzes confirm that there are great chemical differences between asteroids, so that, although some are fragments of other larger ones, together they never formed a single body, they had different origins.

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The asteroid belt is now believed to be mere remnants left over from the formation of the solar system, wedged between Mars and Jupiter, though Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta are suspected to be protoplanets that survived into our era.

A proto-planet is an asteroid that reaches a large size and mass enough for gravity to begin to press on its interior, which would surely be hot at least during its formation, and at that moment a process of material differentiation begins, a process that gradually places the layered materials, as occurs with planets with at least a crust, a mantle and a core, where we would have the lightest materials in the crust and the heaviest materials such as metals in the core.

In the early days of the solar system there must have been hundreds of protoplanets, some were the seeds of future planets, although most ended up merging to create the worlds we know today.

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We know that there was no planet between Mars and Jupiter, but the discovery of other planetary systems raises the question of what would have happened if there were one, because it turns out that at the distance found in the asteroid belt it is very common to find super earth type planets

Super Earths are so named because they are similar to Earth, although larger than our planet, Super Earths can be between one and a half times to ten times more massive than Earth, Super Earths happen to be so abundant in the universe that astronomers are beginning to find it strange that none exist in the solar system, in that respect we are somewhat strange.


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