The very planned plan B.

The very planned plan B.


The Boeing company with its starliner has had many problems, the first flight of this ship with astronauts was to have been launched on May 7, but there has been a problem and it seems to be in one of the valves and it seems to be much more serious than What they initially thought, they have calculated that it will take at least a week of work, according to a NASA statement, the new launch date would be before May 17.

This ship accumulates a tremendous amount of problems, it has been developing for years and years and it cannot take off and it has also spent millions and millions of dollars in the development of the ship, this ship would be NASA's Plan B compared to NASA's dragon ship. SpaceX.

Remember that when the United States closed the shuttle or space shuttle program, it was left without ships to be able to travel to space, it could not send astronauts to space for many years, it had to resort to Russian ships to be able to send astronauts to the international space station and Curiously, one of the requirements that American astronauts had to meet was that they had to learn Russian at least at a basic level, but they had to learn Russian.


The service provided by the Russians was not free, you had to pay for the ticket to travel to space and it has been patched up thanks to the SpaceX dragon ships, but of course NASA always wants to have a plan b, a second option in case the service fails. first and also to maintain a level of competition, that competition is healthy in any industrial development that is not disputed by anyone and that plan b would be that ship that you have seen, the Starliner, which is similar to the dragon in terms of capabilities.

The problem is that this ship that is developed mainly by Boeing is having a number of tremendous problems and a number of brutal failures and is costing a lot of resources, I don't think it will be launched on May 17, I suspect that there will be some kind of late because this ship accumulates a number of inexplicable failures.

It is almost easier for the SpaceX StarShip to be ready than for the Starliner to finish. But well, I don't know what you think of the starship, the next launch as soon as they can, they are working on it, you already know that as usual it depends on the paperwork to be able to launch it .

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