The sincerity of Elon Musk (EN - CAST) La sinceridad de Elon Musk


The sincerity of Elon Musk (EN - CAST) La sinceridad de Elon Musk


In an interview he gave on Thursday, April 22, he demonstrated his strange way of encouraging future explorers and colonizers of the red planet, he said that "probably a lot of people will die" if the statement was that tough.

En una entrevista que dio el jueves 22 de abril demostró su extraña manera de animar al futuros exploradores y colonizadores del planeta rojo, dijo que “probablemente morirá un montón de gente” si así de dura fue de la declaración.


To be exact verbatim what he said was about "the trip to Mars is an arduous and dangerous journey in which one may lose his life, but it is a glorious adventure" sounds attractive frankly said "a lot of people will probably die at first "That was what he declared and more joy than joy, having said that, there is a volunteer in the room who wants to travel to Mars.

Para ser exactos textualmente lo que dijo fue sobre “el viaje a marte es un viaje arduo y peligroso en el que es posible que uno pierda la vida, pero es una aventura gloriosa” suena atractivo francamente dicho “un montón de gente probablemente morirá al principio” eso fue lo que declaró y lo más alegría que jolgorio, dicho esto, hay algún voluntario en la sala que quiera viajar a marte.


But calm down, calm down, it is not necessary for anyone to die, accidents are real, they exist, they cannot be avoided but if it is possible to reduce risks to a minimum of almost zero, remember, an exploration trip is not complete just by reaching the First of all, we must also return home to be able to tell it, but the risks exist and will always be latent, even in our own home.

Pero tranquilos, calma, no es necesario que muera nadie, los accidentes son algo real, existen, no se pueden evitar pero si es posible reducir los riesgos a mínimos de casi cero, recordar, un viaje de exploración no está completo sólo con llegar al primero lugar, hay que también regresar a casa para poder contarlo, pero los riesgos existen y siempre estarán latentes, hasta en nuestra propia casa.

Source / Fuente

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Mm. That's just the truth though, I think a lot of heads/CEOs would not like to say stuff like these about their ventures so that was quite sincere of him.


That's right, Elon Musk has already had several episodes where he is very sincere, and people have not liked him, he likes to be lied to.
Bravo to Elon Musk for telling it like it is. Regards.
