The newly discovered protective field of the earth.

The newly discovered protective field of the earth.


Now we have a new field that surrounds the earth that has been recently discovered, they call it the Global electric field of the earth and it was suspected before and now this field has been confirmed, also according to scientists it could influence our planet to be a world full of life, because it could influence how our atmosphere is.

The research article was published on August 28 in the journal Nature and the achievement is thanks to an international team of researchers who analyzed data collected from NASA's Endurance suborbital rocket. Scientists suspected that something strange was happening and they had suspected it since the late 1960s. The reason is that spacecraft flying over the poles had detected that there was an inexplicable stream of particles escaping from our atmosphere into space. Theorists predicted that This current was called polar wind at that time, but they did not know the causes or the amount of atmosphere that was being lost; particles from the atmosphere escaping into space is not something extraordinary.

At high altitude, unfiltered sunlight causes some molecules of our air to escape, it is like steam escaping from a pot of water, but the polar wind is the initial name, it was more mysterious and stranger, because many of the particles it contained were not hot as normal, the sun heated those high particles in the atmosphere, they became energized and they escaped, however, those of the polar wind were cold and also without signs of having been heated and despite That's what they escaped and at supersonic speeds.

Something had to be pulling those particles out of the atmosphere, giving them a boost, a tremendous energetic kick, Glyn Collinson lead researcher He said that this had to be an electric field yet to be discovered and that it had to be that electric field that did this action of expelling these particles and that is what they have discovered now, the measurements made from the rocket have confirmed the existence of the field , which they now call the ambipolar field and have quantified its strength revealing a role in the escape of atmospheric gases, molecules, we are talking primarily about nitrogen and also some oxygen and also this layer contributes to the creation and of our ionosphere, a layer of the upper atmosphere, very important among other things for our radio actions.

This electric field gives energy to the charged particles in our upper atmosphere, causing them to reach greater heights. This field may have influenced the evolution of our planet to make it a world full of life, expelling certain particles that may not be convenient, we do not know. exactly, but it has had to influence our atmosphere to be what it is right now, an atmosphere with a lot of nitrogen with enough oxygen and other elements that make it possible for us to breathe, among other things.

The atmosphere of the primitive earth was not like that, it was basically a CO2 atmosphere. If we take a time machine and go 2.5 billion years ago and open the time machine we would die of asphyxiation because there would be no oxygen to breathe, so understand how it works. This electric field can be very important and can also give us clues to search for life outside the Earth or at least planets with an atmosphere that can allow that life since if the Earth has that electric field and we have life here it is logical to think that in Other worlds where we find that electric field may also have at least an atmosphere compatible with life.

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