The mysterious signals of fast radio bursts

The mysterious signals of fast radio bursts

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The SETI Institute reveals the possible secrets of fast radio bursts or FRBs, which are fleeting high-energy radio pulses that last a very short time. The curious thing about these signals is that they are repeated in the deepest part of the universe, the last signal studied is a repeating signal emitter specifically named FRB 20220912a

We know little about them, but we have some data, FRBs are brief and intense flashes of radio waves, coming from deep space, almost all of them come from beyond our Milky Way galaxy, although most occur only once, some like this one that has been studied now, are repeated, which increases the enigma about these mysterious events.

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A typical fast radio burst emits a huge amount of energy, the same as the sun emits in a couple of days, but concentrated in a millisecond. It is not known what produces it. There have been a multitude of hypotheses, from black hole explosions. with an effect of quantum gravity, until they were energy pulses from an intelligent civilization, what scientists rule out is that they are a form of communication between extraterrestrial civilizations as some have pointed out.

Because, although they are called rapid radio bursts, despite the fact that radio sounds so familiar to us as a means of transmitting messages, the reality is that radio waves are not an artificial invention of humans, radio emissions are one Of the multiple types of electromagnetic radiation emissions that occur naturally, they are produced by many natural phenomena, the only thing we humans did is take advantage of them to be able to communicate and although they are very useful on our terrestrial scale and we even use them to Communicate with spaceships, at greater distances they are a very slow communication method.

Radio waves move at the speed of light so a message from Earth would take 4.2 years to reach the nearest star and another 4.2 years to receive a response, if radio is used to communicate. With spaceships today it is because we do not have anything better, it is very possible that if extraterrestrial civilizations exist they use other methods that we do not know now, perhaps some property of dark energy or some effect of the quantum world that we have not yet discovered.

After all, only 200 years ago no one knew that radio waves existed.

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Researchers are getting closer to what could be the origin of these enigmatic signals. Dr. Sofia Sheikh from the SETI Institute and lead author of the work stated that “we are narrowing down the origin of fast radio bursts to, for example, extreme objects such as magnetars, but No existing model can explain all the properties being observed so far, it has been wonderful to be part of the first study of fast radio bursts conducted with the ATA.

“This work demonstrates that new telescopes with unique capabilities like the ATA can provide us with a new angle of investigation into the mysteries of the science of FRBs or fast radio bursts,” the researcher stated.


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