The magnetic fields of the universe.

The magnetic fields of the universe.

Andre Geim won the Nobel Prize in physics in 2010 with Konstantin Novoselov. They won it for creating a magnetic field together with Michael Berry of 17 Tesla, which was capable of levitating a frog. The frog did not suffer any damage and came out of the experiment perfectly well. With a little more power, the Japanese scientists achieved the Moses effect. which is to separate or repel water, they managed to make a magnetic field that created a hole in a water sample.

It is believed that with 100 Tesla power, we have not yet reached them but with 100 Tesla you could levitate a human in a similar way as Dr Strange levitates, this occurs because materials such as iron that are attracted by magnetic fields are called paramagnetic materials but there is also the opposite, there are materials called diamagnetic, which what they do is repel magnetic fields very strongly and one of those diamagnetic elements is water and living beings have a very high composition of water, around 70 percent of the weight of the human body is water.

So if we were in a very powerful magnetic field or if we could generate a very powerful magnetic field, with a stick for example we could literally open the waters of the sea and pass through the ground or we could levitate although unfortunately we have not reached a magnetic field with that power and nothing would happen to us, because this thing about iron the blood like Magneto did to extract iron from the blood, no, it would not happen in those powers that would not happen, because the magnetic properties of iron change depending on where it is located .

Human beings have between 3.5 to 4 grams of iron in the body, more than half of it is in hemoglobin, which is an element of the blood and when this iron is oxygenated it also becomes diamagnetic, this means that this diamagnetic iron repels magnetic fields, so no, Mr. Magneto, the trick wouldn't work.

Physics imposes a limit on everything, it is calculated that when we reach about 10,000 to 100,000 Tesla, the atoms are deformed and a person subjected to that magnetic field would simply disintegrate or melt into something very unpleasant, humans do not know how to reach that limit. power at the moment, but nature does exist, it is magnetars.

Magnetars are a special type of neutron star that reaches a Power of 100,000 million Tesla, it is a spaghettization of atoms, because what is believed is that at these levels the atoms deform and elongate, creating a very strange type of matter. .

The magnetars have a diameter of about 20 km, are a compressed neutron star and have a mass of approximately 1.4 solar masses.

The images without reference were created with AI
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