The impact that helped the emergence of life.


The impact that helped the emergence of life.

The researchers of the study have discovered that the impact of the asteroid had a crucial importance for the evolution of life on Earth, but not negatively. Curiously, that day could have been the day that life ended, but in this case it was not like that, in At that time the earth was an aquatic world, there were only a few continents protruding from the sea. It is believed that the earth, the primitive earth, had much more water than today, that we are gradually losing water.

At that time, life was very simple, there were only microorganisms, bacteria and little else. The impact of this giant asteroid vaporized a large area of ​​the ocean, especially the surface layer where it fell, and the rest of the ocean was launched in a tsunami that mixed water. and debris and devastated all the emerged lands, affected all the continents of the planet, at the same time the atmosphere heated up and a thick cloud of dust was created that covered the entire planet, stopping any photosynthetic activity that already existed at that time, but the bacteria and here is the key: they are very resistant, they are small but they are very numerous and very hard.

And according to the team's analysis, after the impact, bacterial life recovered quickly, this was because the blow, the impact caused phosphorus and iron to emerge. According to the researchers, it is probable that the gigantic Tsunami dragged the iron from the depths of the ocean to shallow waters. deep and that the impact of the asteroid itself increased erosion on earth, bringing phosphorus to and creating a kind of primordial soup that served as a broth for microorganisms to evolve and multiply, and begin to metabolize iron.

This change in bacteria favored precisely a key piece for the evolution of primitive life on Earth. This is interesting because we know that life on Earth emerged early, just a little more than 100 million or 200 million years after the colossal impact that it had with the planet Teia, this planet orbited in the same orbit as the Earth, but it was smaller than the size of Mars and from that impact the moon is supposed to have emerged.

A little more than 100 or hundreds million years later the first bacteria and the first microorganisms emerged, life emerges quickly, at least on Earth, we do not know how it works on other planets, unfortunately, and this demonstrates one of the doubts that we had or that we have. the astrobiologist and it is that in the early days of any star system of any planetary system it is all chaos, there are a lot of protoplanets planets in formation, colliding with each other is something chaotic and wild, the meteor shower is constant, comets It's all chaos.

How life could survive on a planet like Earth or on any other planet in that chaos of formation of the origin of planetary systems, it seems that the key is that they were tiny beings, microbes, that were capable of being extremely abundant and sometimes able to take refuge among rocks or in areas where the disaster, even if it destroyed one part of that planet, managed to survive in another and in the end expand thanks to the broth and movement of materials that these impacts generated in those worlds.

In this case we have seen the case of the Earth, but we can extrapolate it to other worlds because we can find that initial chaos in any Planetary system that is in formation.

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