The immensity of the Solar system.

The immensity of the Solar system.

One of the possible things that are hidden in the outer solar system would be asteroids and killer comets. Let's first clarify two things, especially before an astronomer gets angry, we must first clarify that the outer solar system in astronomy ranges from the asteroid belt that is between Mars and Jupiter To the Oor cloud, which would be the outermost part to which the gravitational influence of the sun reaches or, more technically speaking, to where an object can orbit the sun without being affected by the gravity of other stars.

This definition therefore includes the gaseous planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; Poor Pluto, Pluto is no longer a planet and but these planets, although they still have many mysteries to discover, are already known, what we are going to talk about is the region beyond Neptune; Second point that must be clarified, we have to be aware of how enormous the solar system is, especially when we talk about flying planets and stars that approach the solar system or even enter the solar system, because it does happen and although it sounds terrible, it does not. It necessarily has to be because everything will depend on the size of the star and the planet, but the solar system is immense and the area where the planets are is very small.

To give you an idea of ​​the dimensions, the average distance from Neptune to the sun is 4,500 million kilometers, that is just over 4 light hours, that would be the radius of the planetary solar system, so 8 light hours would be the diameter of the system. Solar Planetarium, there would be all the planets, imagine that we could compress the entire solar system Planetarium and put it inside a small house about 10 meters long by 10 meters wide, of course a house with an open concept and with the Sun illuminating from the center It would be fun and strange.

Have that compressed space-time, because for example if you were at home sitting on your couch in that planetary-sized house and your galactus size and you had the television about 2 meters away, which is a normal distance, the image would take minutes to arrive. In your eyes, when you saw the first image of your favorite series it would have already ended on the television screen, although the worst thing is that the sound would take about 83 years to reach your ears, it would be impossible to watch television, but the important thing is that in this 10 meter wide house we can fit the 8 light hours of extension of all the planetary orbits.

We have that little house, the solar system would be that little house of the planets, but in a city of more than 11 km in diameter that would be the size of the entire solar system, the space occupied by the planets, compared to that occupied in the outer regions by That is, although there are wandering planets that can cross the solar system, it is extremely difficult for any to get close to where the planets are located and some experts say that the gravitational influence of the sun could be even greater, meaning that this city could be even larger.>a

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