The Good and the Bad of the Sun's Recent “Hole.”

The Good and the Bad of the Sun's Recent “Hole.”


A huge coronal hole has opened in the sun, which despite its name is not a hole, it is an area of lower density that appears dark in x-ray vision, since it does not emit much radiation, that is good, but there The magnetic field is unipolar and opens towards interplanetary space expelling solar winds at high speed and that is bad.

Coronal holes usually appear near the poles so their jet of solar wind does not usually focus on us and that is good, but every 11 years the solar maximum approaches and the coronal holes then form closer to the equator as is the case with this one. that just happened and is seen in the Image, and that means that it is pointed directly at it, and it is definitely very bad, it is what is happening now.


According to experts, the winds from this new hole will reach our planet between December 4 and 5, although it is expected that they will cause a very moderate level of geomagnetic storm, which would be a G1, which is the lowest on the scale, which is very different if it was the injection of cannibalistic coronal mass, which is a cloud of particles and radiation in waves, and one wave was faster than the others and ended up overwhelming the others, charging them with energy, and it was the one that impacted us between the 1st and December 2, causing a G3 level geomagnetic storm.

In recent years, the impact on health and animals has also been studied, but there is still no scientific consensus on the subject. Agencies such as the NOA of the United States only cite alterations in migratory animals since these animals use the magnetic field. to orient yourself, but I suspect that in the coming years we will have more things in the field of health and the relationship with solar storms.


What we can do is enjoy the auroras caused by solar storms like this image captured by aurora hunters last night between December 1 and 2.

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