The detection of the most energetic cosmic ray detected.


The detection of the most energetic cosmic ray detected.


On November 24, an investigation was published in the journal Science about an event that has left people astonished and I'm not saying it, it's just that they say it themselves, the scientists are astonished, it is an event that occurred or rather arrived on Earth on the 27th. May 2021, was the impact with our planet of an extremely energetic cosmic particle, it was detected at the Array radio telescope facilities with the collaboration of universities and institutions from the United States, Japan, Korea, Russia and Belgium.

The main facilities of this Union of scientists are in the thousand desert in Utah United States, the particle detected that day, May 27, had an energy of 244 EeV, 1 EeV is approximately a million times more energy than that reached by particles of the most powerful accelerators that we can build in the world and this particle had 224 times more power, in a more popular way it was a beast of energy, something that humans cannot even imagine how to achieve.

This energy level of this particle is only surpassed by another known particle captured in 1991 called, “Oh my God Oh” and cosmic particles rain on the Earth every day. Scientists have been capturing countless of them. They are even used for things as Curious things like scanning pyramids in Egypt or looking for secret chambers in them, they also scan volcanoes and entire mountains, but only extremely energetic particles like this one that is in the news now deserve to have a name and this one in particular has been called the amaterasu particle, in honor of the Sun goddess related to the creation of Japan.

The video above is from the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory which is a scientific project that proposes the construction of a Next Generation very high energy Gamma ray detector and the video serves as an example of how these particles are produced in colossal cosmic events and how reach the Earth and also how they are captured by observatories, cosmic rays constantly rain on the Earth, most of them are low energy and come mainly from the sun, but ultra-high energy cosmic rays are charged subatomic particles from space with higher energies. at 1 EeV.

These highly energetic cosmic rays are extremely rare and are related to more energetic phenomena in the universe such as black hole collisions, Gamma ray explosions and active Galactic nuclei, this one that is in the news now seems to come from a huge void in the large-scale structure of the universe, an area of the cosmos where There are very few galaxies, this does not mean that it comes exactly from there, from that vacuum, since the trajectory of the particles can be modified if they pass near Galaxies or black holes, but in theory, the more energetic a particle is, the more direct its path is. If we compare a low-energy cosmic ray to a paper airplane, these high-energy ones would be like projectiles crossing space.

The Japanese researchers suggest that the liec could be the indication of something an unknown event, perhaps a much larger magnetic deflection predicted by the fields of galactic magnetic field models or an unidentified source in the local extral galactic neighborhood or an incomplete understanding of the high-energy particle physics associated with an astronomical phenomenon that we also do not know right now.

Or we may be facing a sign in a hole in our knowledge of physics and the universe, a part of the universe that we do not know, we are in the field, in the jungle or in the garden of the unknown.

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