The death of the Halloween comet

The death of the Halloween comet


We all live one of the most mysterious days of the year, Thursday, October 31, will be Halloween, and Saturday, November 2, will be the Day of the Dead. It is a time of legends, myths, horror stories about death, and there are many types of death, and here I'm going to show you the Death of a comet, an epic heroic comet, he committed suicide by practically throwing himself into the sun.

Comet Halloween, more specifically Atlas C224 S1, its passage extremely close to our star turned out to be suicidal, the sun disintegrated it on Monday, October 28 when it was 1.2 million kilometers from the sun as you can see in the image taken by the chronographs aboard NASA's solar and spherical observatory, who witnessed the disintegration of this Halloween Comet, which received its name because there was the possibility that it could be observable with the naked eye on that date.

Unfortunately we can no longer see it in the sky, there is nothing left of it, it has been disintegrated, how tall was this Comet? It is complicated, because when we see a comet it normally already has a dense cloud of gas around it as a result of the vaporization of the comet's ice. I did not find clear data, but it could be between 500 meters and 2 km.

This Comet belonged to the family of Kreutz Solar Grazing Comets by the German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz who at the end of the 19th century theorized that this family of Comets were the remains of a giant comet that broke up when getting too close to the Sun, there are several theories, But the majority affirms that it would be the product of a giant comet more than 100 km in diameter that originally broke up about 2,300 years ago, according to ancient Greek sages.

Later, these also enormous fragments, tens of kilometers in diameter, began to break up into smaller ones during the Middle Ages as they made their orbit around the sun, which as you can see is an orbit that takes them to touch the very dangerous sun.

The images without reference were created with AI
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