The best options for finding life and exploration.

The best options for finding life and exploration.

Souce Titan

The sun illuminates very little on Titan, in fact, if Titan could be seen it would be a light like the light that remains in the Twilight after the sun sets because it is very far away and even so it would be quite amplified by Titan's atmosphere which also does the same, but it would be a very very faint light, as NASA wrote it, they wrote it in a statement they said it was like "the light of Twilight in a dark asphalt parking lot."

On Titan there is an unimaginable variety of hydrocarbons, there are all types of hydrocarbons, there are even plastic dunes that are hydrocarbons that is, hydrocarbons and organic material of all kinds, these dunes are made up of powdered organic material and it is literal plastic, the same plastic that we use in the tupperware in our homes has been detected and there is in quantity, that means that there are at least polymerization reactions on the moon of Titan.

The existence of organic matter does not mean that there is life, life to thrive needs organic matter to create, lodge, feed and live, but organic matter exists without the need for life to exist, it can be formed by complex chemical processes, especially chemical complexes that do not have too much caloric demand for their spontaneous reaction to occur, that is, there are compounds that would form organic compounds better in cold areas and if there is excess heat, their formation would be better promoted; such as Saturn forms a compound at a temperature of 172 degrees below zero.

Souce Titan

Titan is a laboratory, furthermore, under those hydrocarbons, under those icy layers, under all that organic material, there is a global ocean of liquid water, normal liquid water, heated by the interior of Titan, it is a huge moon, it is the second largest moon in the solar system, only behind Ganymede and its core is hot and there is water.

It is a complex moon, it has multiple complex layers that make it up, it was recently discovered that Callisto, another moon but in this case Jupiter, a giant moon is also the third largest in the solar system, also under its icy crust it has a global ocean of water, Callisto is a very interesting moon, it appears very little in the media unfortunately, Ganymede is more famous because it is the largest in the solar system, Titan is obviously more famous, but Callisto is very rarely named.

When we surpass Mars and the Moon, Callisto will be the objective to locate human bases and explore the Jupiter system, and the deep solar system or the distant solar system, why Callisto, why not, for example, Europa, the moon that we know also has a subsurface ocean, because the moon Europa or the other icy moons have an icy crust, so the correct term in this case would be superficial because Europa receives a lot of radiation from Jupiter.

Souce Ganymede

Jupiter is an engine of radiation, it is tremendous, a human with his space suit evidently on the surface of Europa would survive two days at most, in a couple of days he would receive so much radiation from Jupiter that it would be fatal for him, of course this does not affect the global ocean that exists under the icy surface of the moon Europa, luckily water ice and water in general are good insulators, good shields against radiation, so if there is, there can be life forms in that surface ocean of the moon Europa but not on the surface because it is scorched by Jupiter's radiation.

Ganymede is the largest Moon in the solar system, it has great natural resources, it also has a lot of water ice, it also has a subsurface ocean, a subsurface ocean of liquid water under its icy crust, but it also receives a lot of radiation, not as much as the moon Europa, but there you would need to be inside a bunker protected from Jupiter's radiation.

Souce Callisto

Then we have the advantage of Callisto, Callisto is further away than Europa and Ganymede, so we have a huge big moon with significant gravity, which is also essential to be able to live peacefully on a “base”, because the organism is adapted to living with gravity and weightlessness suits us quite badly, it has significant gravity and has a lot of natural resources and it also has a large amount of water ice and there would not be so much of a problem with the issue of whether there is life under that ocean of the moon Callisto, because in the case of Callisto's crust is much colder than Ganymede's and Europa's, it is much thicker, it is literally frozen in time, so there would be an enormous distance between the surface and its liquid ocean that is inside and that is why Calisto is one of the long-term objectives of space agencies to be able to explore the Jupiter system.

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