Synthetic humans

Synthetic humans

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A stem cell is a cell that has the potential to form the different cells of the body of a living being, when stem cells divide they can form more stem cells or other cells that perform specialized functions.

Embryonic stem cells are the most amazing as they have the potential to form a complete individual whereas adult stem cells can only form certain specialized cell types and interestingly enough stem cells continue to divide throughout life of a person, so some scientists are investigating the possibility of using stem cells in the future to regenerate our organs or our entire bodies, but that is another investigation.

These works can help to understand the causes of spontaneous abortions, in the early stages of pregnancy and can help scientists understand how organs develop, this research raises very serious ethical and legal dilemmas.

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As usual almost any investigation arises the old dilemma of how to use technology since it can end up using it for good or for evil, we could as we see in many science fiction movies that companies or governments create synthetic humans as servants or for create an army of super soldiers.

In science fiction movies and series, in synthetic terms, it is very broad, most of the beings they present are androids that have mechanical parts and their energy source is a battery or some type of reactor, whether nuclear or other chemical and They are programmable, so that they act and think in a certain way, although later in the movies we already know that this ends up complicating.

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A synthetic human created with stem cell technology that is in the news now would be something completely different because it would not be different from us, its energy source would be like ours food, they would have to eat, drink and sleep, it would not be programmable since it we have technology to program biological brains like ours.

It is another disturbing technology that will have to be regulated for good, programming brains may not be right, but connecting to a computer to be able to download information quickly might be something interesting, like what was shown in the movie The Matrix where the protagonists could download in seconds the data to know how to fly a helicopter or learn a martial art.

If it were for the worse, it would be to program a person and transform them into a slave or a merciless killing machine, but at the moment we don't have that technology and it seems that it's a technology that still has a long way to go to be developed.

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Another question that can be raised is whether synthetic humans with increased qualities could be created, because if in the future our knowledge about genetics develops, physical improvements could be made to improve bodies, for example, to make them more resistant to cold or heat. heat, that they were stronger, more agile, faster, improved their vision or were more intelligent.

These genetic improvements can be applied both to the embryo of a synthetic human and to the embryo of a normal human, so there would still be no difference, in conclusion, if one day it is possible to develop synthetic Humans from stem cells, they could be the same as We could have the same problems and qualities that we or our children have. The big difference is that they would not have parents, they would be the result of a bioengineering company.

Being a manufactured product or a human being with rights and freedom, that is the great debate, for the moment what is opening is the debate on the legal regulation of synthetic human embryos, in the past there was already a similar controversy about infertility vitro and in the end the experts managed to develop a legal framework.

Let's hope that the new synthetic embryo technology is regulated and that this research represents an advance for the good of all humanity.



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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!


Playing gods to try to mimic them will not help our species to evolve. It is better to spend our time making peace and working globally to reach the space instead to compete... We can get wiped out in one fraction of a second.


Totally agree, you have to be very careful with things that have been here on earth much longer than humanity itself...
